About The Word Diplomatist

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Learn about the word Diplomatist to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Diplomatist definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Diplomatist Meaning & Definition
Diplomatist Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Diplomatist?

[n] an official engaged in international negotiations

Synonyms | Synonyms for Diplomatist: diplomat

Related Terms | Find terms related to Diplomatist:

See Also | Adlai Ewing Stevenson | Adlai Stevenson | ambassador | Anna Eleanor Roosevelt | Averell Harriman | Bunche | charge d'affaires | Citizen Genet | consul | Cordell Hull | Dag Hammarskjold | Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold | diplomatic minister | Dulles | Edmund Charles Edouard Genet | Eleanor Roosevelt | embassador | envoy | envoy extraordinary | Ferdinand de Lesseps | functionary | Galbraith | Genet | Hammarskjold | Harold Nicolson | Harriman | Harris | Henry Alfred Kissinger | Henry Kissinger | high commissioner | Hull | internuncio | Jay | John Foster Dulles | John Galbraith | John Jay | John Kenneth Galbraith | Kissinger | Kurt Waldheim | Le Duc Tho | Lesseps | Lie | minister | minister plenipotentiary | Nicolson | nuncio | official | Page | persona grata | persona non grata | plenipotentiary | Ralph Bunche | Ralph Johnson Bunche | Roosevelt | Sir Harold George Nicolson | Stevenson | Thomas Nelson Page | Townsend Harris | Trygve Halvden Lie | Trygve Lie | Vicomte Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps | Waldheim | William Averell Harriman

Diplomatist In Webster's Dictionary

\Di*plo"ma*tist\, n. [Cf. F. diplomatiste a student of diplomatics.] A person employed in, or skilled in, diplomacy; a diplomat. In ability, Avaux had no superior among the numerous able diplomatics whom his country then possessed. --Macaulay.

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