About The Word Artisan

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Artisan Meaning & Definition
Artisan Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Artisan?

[n] a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft

Synonyms | Synonyms for Artisan: artificer | craftsman | journeyman

Related Terms | Find terms related to Artisan: adept | Admirable Crichton | aeromechanic | apprentice | artificer | artist | artiste | attache | authority | connaisseur | connoisseur | consultant | copyist | cordon bleu | crack shot | craftsman | craftswoman | creator | dauber | daubster | dead shot | diplomat | diplomatist | elder statesman | experienced hand | expert | expert consultant | graduate | handicraftsman | handy man | journeyman | machinist | maker | marksman | master | master carpenter | master craftsman | mechanic | mechanician | no slouch | old master | politician | prentice | pro | professional | professor | proficient | savant | shark | sharp | statesman | technical adviser | technician | wright

See Also | animal stuffer | barrel maker | beautician | bookbinder | bricklayer | ceramicist | ceramist | clockmaker | clocksmith | coachbuilder | construction worker | cooper | coppersmith | cosmetician | currier | diemaker | diesinker | glassblower | glasscutter | glassworker | glazer | glazier | goldbeater | hairdresser | hairstylist | hard hat | luthier | machinist | mason | mechanic | miller | Morris | paperer | paperhanger | pipe fitter | plumber | potter | rigger | roofer | ropemaker | rope-maker | roper | shop mechanic | skilled worker | steamfitter | stonemason | stuffer | styler | stylist | tanner | taxidermist | thrower | trained worker | upholsterer | weaver | welder | William Morris | window dresser | window trimmer | woodman | woodsman | woodworker | wright

Artisan In Webster's Dictionary

\Ar"ti*san\ (?; 277), n. [F. artisan, fr. L. artitus skilled in arts, fr. ars, artis, art: cf. It. artigiano. See {Art}, n.] 1. One who professes and practices some liberal art; an artist. [Obs.] 2. One trained to manual dexterity in some mechanic art or trade; and handicraftsman; a mechanic. This is willingly submitted to by the artisan, who can . . . compensate his additional toil and fatigue. --Hume. Syn: Artificer; artist. Usage: {Artisan}, {Artist}, {Artificer}. An artist is one who is skilled in some one of the fine arts; an artisan is one who exercises any mechanical employment. A portrait painter is an artist; a sign painter is an artisan, although he may have the taste and skill of an artist. The occupation of the former requires a fine taste and delicate manipulation; that of the latter demands only an ordinary degree of contrivance and imitative power. An artificer is one who requires power of contrivance and adaptation in the exercise of his profession. The word suggest neither the idea of mechanical conformity to rule which attaches to the term artisan, nor the ideas of refinement and of peculiar skill which belong to the term artist.

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