About The Word Beast

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Learn about the word Beast to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Beast definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Beast Meaning & Definition
Beast Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Beast?

[n] a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
[n] a cruelly rapacious person

Synonyms | Synonyms for Beast: animal | animate being | brute | brute | creature | fauna | savage | wildcat | wolf

Related Terms | Find terms related to Beast: animal | anthropophagite | barbarian | being | beldam | berserk | berserker | bomber | brute | cannibal | creature | creeping thing | critter | cur | demon | destroyer | devil | dog | dragon | dumb animal | dumb friend | fiend | firebrand | fire-eater | fury | goon | gorilla | gunsel | hardnose | hellcat | hellhound | hellion | hell-raiser | holy terror | hood | hoodlum | hothead | hotspur | hound | hyena | incendiary | insect | killer | living being | living thing | mad dog | madcap | Mafioso | man-eater | mongrel | monster | mugger | nihilist | pig | polecat | quadruped | rapist | reptile | revolutionary | savage | serpent | shark | she-wolf | skunk | snake | spitfire | swine | termagant | terror | terrorist | tiger | tigress | tough | tough guy | ugly customer | vandal | varmint | vermin | violent | viper | virago | vixen | whelp | wild beast | wild man | witch | wolf | worm | wrecker | Young Turk

See Also | acrodont | adult | aggressor | animal kingdom | animal tissue | Animalia | assailant | assaulter | attacker | being | biped | captive | caput | chordate | conceptus | creepy-crawly | critter | darter | dead animal | domestic animal | embryo | face | female | fertilized egg | fictional animal | game | giant | head | herbivore | insectivore | invertebrate | kingdom Animalia | larva | male | marine animal | mate | metazoan | migrator | molter | moulter | mutant | offspring | omnivore | organism | peeper | pet | pleurodont | predator | predatory animal | prey | pureblood | purebred | quarry | racer | scavenger | sea animal | stayer | stunt | survivor | thoroughbred | varment | varmint | vermin | work animal | young | zooplankton

Beast In Webster's Dictionary

\Beast\, n. [OE. best, beste, OF. beste, F. b[^e]te, fr. L. bestia.] 1. Any living creature; an animal; -- including man, insects, etc. [Obs.] --Chaucer. 2. Any four-footed animal, that may be used for labor, food, or sport; as, a beast of burden. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast. --Prov. xii. 10. 3. As opposed to {man}: Any irrational animal. 4. Fig.: A coarse, brutal, filthy, or degraded fellow. 5. A game at cards similar to loo. [Obs.] --Wright. 6. A penalty at beast, omber, etc. Hence: To be beasted, to be beaten at beast, omber, etc. {Beast royal}, the lion. [Obs.] --Chaucer. Syn: {Beast}, {Brute}. Usage: When we use these words in a figurative sense, as applicable to human beings, we think of beasts as mere animals governed by animal appetite; and of brutes as being destitute of reason or moral feeling, and governed by unrestrained passion. Hence we speak of beastly appetites; beastly indulgences, etc.; and of brutal manners; brutal inhumanity; brutal ferocity. So, also, we say of a drunkard, that he first made himself a beast, and then treated his family like a brute.

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