About The Word Creature

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Creature to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Creature definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Creature Meaning & Definition
Creature Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Creature?

[n] a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
[n] a human being; `wight' is an archaic term
[n] a person who is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else

Synonyms | Synonyms for Creature: animal | animate being | beast | brute | fauna | puppet | tool | wight

Related Terms | Find terms related to Creature: Adamite | adherent | aerobic organism | agent | an existence | anaerobic organism | ancilla | animal | apple-polisher | appliance | artifact | ass-licker | autotrophic organism | backscratcher | backslapper | beast | being | bodily | body | bootlick | bootlicker | brainchild | brownie | brown-nose | brute | cat | chap | character | Charlie McCarthy | child | clawback | cog | coinage | commonality | commonalty | composition | concoction | contrivance | courtier | creation | creature comforts | creeping thing | cringer | critter | crowning achievement | customer | dependent | device | disciple | distillation | duck | dumb animal | dumb friend | dummy | dupe | earthling | effect | end product | entelechy | entity | essence | extract | fawner | fellow | feudatory | figurehead | flatterer | flunky | follower | footlicker | front | front man | fruit | genetic individual | gillie | go-between | goon | groundling | groveler | guy | hand | handiwork | handmaid | handmaiden | handshaker | hanger-on | head | helot | henchman | heterotrophic organism | hoi polloi | homager | homo | human | human being | implement | individual | inferior | instrument | interagent | intermediary | intermediate | intermedium | invention | issue | jackal | joker | junior | kowtower | lackey | lay figure | led captain | lever | lickspit | lickspittle | liege | liege man | life | lightweight | living being | living soul | living thing | lower class | lower orders | man | manufacture | masses | masterpiece | masterwork | material | mealymouth | mechanism | mediator | medium | microbe | microorganism | midwife | minion | mintage | monad | morphological individual | mortal | mundane | myrmidon | new mintage | nominal head | nose | object | offspring | one | ont | opera | opus | opuscule | organ | organic being | organism | organization | origination | outcome | outgrowth | party | pawn | peon | person | persona | personage | personality | physical | physiological individual | plaything | product | production | puppet | reptile | result | retainer | satellite | second fiddle | secondary | serf | servant | single | slave | somebody | someone | something | soul | spaniel | stooge | subaltern | subordinate | suck | superficial | sycophant | tellurian | terran | thing | third stringer | thug | timeserver | toad | toadeater | toady | tool | toy | truckler | tufthunter | underling | understrapper | unit | varmint | vassal | vehicle | virus | votary | work | worldling | yeoman | yes-man | zooid | zoon

See Also | acrodont | adult | animal kingdom | animal tissue | Animalia | being | biped | captive | caput | chordate | conceptus | creepy-crawly | critter | darter | dead animal | domestic animal | embryo | face | female | fertilized egg | fictional animal | game | giant | head | herbivore | human | individual | insectivore | invertebrate | kingdom Animalia | larva | male | marine animal | mate | metazoan | migrator | molter | mortal | moulter | mutant | offspring | omnivore | organism | peeper | person | pet | pleurodont | predator | predatory animal | prey | pureblood | purebred | quarry | racer | scavenger | sea animal | slave | somebody | someone | soul | stayer | stunt | survivor | thoroughbred | varment | varmint | vermin | work animal | young | zooplankton

Creature In Webster's Dictionary

\Crea"ture\ (kr?"t?r; 135), n. [F. cr?ature, L. creatura. See {Create}.] 1. Anything created; anything not self-existent; especially, any being created with life; an animal; a man. He asked water, a creature so common and needful that it was against the law of nature to deny him. --Fuller. God's first creature was light. --Bacon. On earth, join, all ye creatures, to extol Him first, him last, him midst, and without end. --Milton. And most attractive is the fair result Of thought, the creature of a polished mind. --Cowper. 2. A human being, in pity, contempt, or endearment; as, a poor creature; a pretty creature. The world hath not a sweeter creature. --Shak. 3. A person who owes his rise and fortune to another; a servile dependent; an instrument; a tool. A creature of the queen's, Lady Anne Bullen. --Shak. Both Charles himself and his creature, Laud. --Macaulay. 4. A general term among farmers for horses, oxen, etc. {Creature comforts}, those which minister to the comfort of the body.

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