About The Word Myrmidon

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Myrmidon to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Myrmidon definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Myrmidon Meaning & Definition
Myrmidon Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Myrmidon?

[n] (Greek mythology) a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against Troy
[n] a follower who carries out orders without question

Synonyms | Synonyms for Myrmidon:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Myrmidon: adherent | assistant | creature | dependent | disciple | dummy | employee | feudatory | figurehead | flunky | follower | gillie | girl Friday | goon | hanger-on | henchman | hired hand | hired man | hireling | homager | inferior | jackal | lackey | liege | liege man | man | man Friday | mercenary | minion | pensioner | peon | puppet | retainer | right-hand man | satellite | serf | slave | stooge | subordinate | sycophant | thug | underling | understrapper | vassal | votary | worker | yeoman

See Also | follower | mythical being

Myrmidon In Webster's Dictionary

\Myr"mi*don\, n. [L. Myrmidones, Gr. ?, pl.] 1. One of a fierce tribe or troop who accompained Achilles, their king, to the Trojan war. 2. A soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes cruel orders of a superior without protest or pity; -- sometimes applied to bailiffs, constables, etc. --Thackeray. With unabated ardor the vindictive man of law and his myrmidons pressed forward. --W. H. Ainsworth.

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