About The Word Mintage

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Mintage to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mintage definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mintage Meaning & Definition
Mintage Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mintage?

[n] act or process of minting coins
[n] fee paid to a mint by the government for minting a coin
[n] coins collectively

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mintage: coinage | metal money | specie

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mintage: and pence | artifact | authorship | beginning | brainchild | cash | child | circulating medium | coinage | coined liberty | coining | cold cash | composition | conception | concoction | contrivance | contriving | counterfeiting | creation | creative effort | creature | crowning achievement | currency | devising | distillation | dollars | effect | emergency money | end product | essence | extract | fabrication | filthy lucre | forgery | fractional currency | fruit | generation | gold | handiwork | hard cash | hard currency | hatching | improvisation | invention | issue | legal tender | lucre | making do | mammon | managed currency | manufacture | masterpiece | masterwork | medium of exchange | money | necessity money | new mintage | offspring | opera | opus | opuscule | origination | outcome | outgrowth | pelf | postage currency | postal currency | pounds | product | production | result | scrip | shillings | silver | soft currency | specie | stamping | sterling | striking | the almighty dollar | the wherewith | the wherewithal | work

See Also | coin | creating from raw materials | currency | fee

Mintage In Webster's Dictionary

\Mint"age\, n. 1. The coin, or other production, made in a mint. Stamped in clay, a heavenly mintage. --Sterling. 2. The duty paid to the mint for coining.

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