About The Word Growth

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Learn about the word Growth to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Growth definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Growth Meaning & Definition
Growth Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Growth?

[n] the gradual beginning or coming forth; "figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece"
[n] vegetation that has grown; "a growth of trees"; "the only growth was some salt grass"
[n] something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
[n] the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children"
[n] a progression from simpler to more complex forms; "the growth of culture"
[n] a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important; "the increase in unemployment"; "the growth of population"
[n] (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Growth: development | emergence | growing | increase | increment | maturation | ontogenesis | ontogeny | outgrowth

Related Terms | Find terms related to Growth: about-face | abscess | access | accession | accomplishment | accretion | accrual | accruement | accumulation | addition | advance | advancement | aggrandizement | ague | alchemy | amplification | anemia | ankylosis | anoxia | apnea | appreciation | ascent | asphyxiation | assimilation | assumption | asthma | ataxia | atrophy | augmentation | backache | ballooning | becoming | benign tumor | bleeding | blennorhea | bloating | blossoming | boom | boost | bottoming out | broadening | budding | buildup | burgeoning | business cycle | business fluctuations | bust | cachexia | cachexy | callosity | callus | cancer | carcinoma | change | change-over | chill | chills | clump | colic | constipation | conversion | convulsion | cooling off | corn | coughing | crescendo | crisis | crop | cultivation | cyanosis | cyst | depression | development | developmental change | diarrhea | dizziness | downturn | dropsy | dysentery | dyspepsia | dyspnea | economic cycle | economic expansion | economic growth | edema | elaboration | elevation | emaciation | enlargement | evolution | evolutionary change | evolvement | evolving | excrescence | expanding economy | expansion | explication | extension | fainting | fatigue | fever | fibrillation | flip-flop | flood | flowering | flux | fungosity | fungus | furtherance | gain | gemmation | germination | gradual change | greatening | gush | hassock | hemorrhage | high blood pressure | high growth rate | hike | hydrops | hypertension | hypotension | icterus | improvement | increase | increment | indigestion | inflammation | inflation | insomnia | intumescence | itching | jaundice | jump | labored breathing | lapse | leap | low | low blood pressure | lumbago | lump | luxuriation | malignant growth | marasmus | market expansion | maturation | metastatic tumor | mole | morbid growth | mounting | multiplication | nasal discharge | natural development | natural growth | naturalization | nausea | necrosis | neoplasm | nevus | nonmalignant tumor | nonviolent change | nurturing | outgrowth | overgrowth | pain | paralysis | passage | peak | peaking | plantation | planting | procreation | productiveness | progress | progression | proliferation | prosperity | proud flesh | pruritus | pullulation | raise | rash | recession | reconversion | recovery | reduction | re-formation | reproduction | resolution | reversal | rheum | ripening | rise | sarcoma | sclerosis | seizure | shift | shock | skin eruption | slowdown | slump | sneezing | snowballing | sore | spasm | spread | sprouting | stand | success | surge | swelling | switch | switch-over | tabes | tachycardia | transformation | transit | transition | tuft | tumescence | tumor | turning into | tussock | unfolding | up | upgrowth | upping | upset stomach | upsurge | upswing | uptrend | upturn | vegetation | verruca | vertigo | volte-face | vomiting | wart | wasting | waxing | wen | widening

See Also | accretion | accumulation | amelogenesis | angiogenesis | anthesis | apposition | auxesis | beginning | biological process | blossoming | broadening | caenogenesis | cainogenesis | cenogenesis | cohesion | culture | cytogenesis | dentition | efflorescence | evolution | excrescence | exostosis | flora | florescence | flowering | foliation | fructification | gametogenesis | gastrulation | germination | hamartoma | illness | inflorescence | ingrowth | intussusception | juvenescence | kainogenesis | kenogenesis | leafing | life cycle | malady | masculinisation | masculinization | morphogenesis | multiplication | myelinisation | myelinization | neoplasm | neurogenesis | object | odontiasis | organic process | palingenesis | peduncle | physical object | polyp | polypus | population growth | process | proliferation | psychomotor development | psychosexual development | pullulation | recapitulation | relaxation | rise | rooting | sickness | sprouting | suppression | teething | teratogenesis | tumor | tumour | unwellness | vegetation | vegetation | virilisation | virilization | widening

Growth In Webster's Dictionary

\Growth\, n. [Icel. gro?r, gr??i. See {Grow}.] 1. The process of growing; the gradual increase of an animal or a vegetable body; the development from a seed, germ, or root, to full size or maturity; increase in size, number, frequency, strength, etc.; augmentation; advancement; production; prevalence or influence; as, the growth of trade; the growth of power; the growth of intemperance. Idle weeds are fast in growth. --Shak. 2. That which has grown or is growing; anything produced; product; consequence; effect; result. Nature multiplies her fertile growth. --Milton.

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