About The Word Dyspepsia

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Dyspepsia Meaning & Definition
Dyspepsia Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dyspepsia?

[n] a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dyspepsia: indigestion | stomach upset | upset stomach

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dyspepsia: abscess | ague | anemia | ankylosis | anoxia | apnea | asphyxiation | asthma | ataxia | atrophy | backache | bleeding | blennorhea | cachexia | cachexy | cardialgia | chill | chills | cholera morbus | colic | constipation | convulsion | costiveness | coughing | cyanosis | diarrhea | dizziness | dropsy | dysentery | dyspnea | edema | emaciation | fainting | fatigue | fever | fibrillation | flux | gripe | gripes | growth | heartburn | hemorrhage | high blood pressure | hydrops | hypertension | hypotension | icterus | indigestion | inflammation | insomnia | irregularity | itching | jaundice | labored breathing | lientery | low blood pressure | lumbago | marasmus | nasal discharge | nausea | necrosis | obstipation | pain | paralysis | pruritus | pyrosis | rash | rheum | sclerosis | seizure | shock | skin eruption | sneezing | sore | spasm | tabes | tachycardia | trots | tumor | upset stomach | vertigo | vomiting | wasting

See Also | bellyache | gastralgia | stomach ache | stomachache | symptom

Dyspepsia In Webster's Dictionary

\Dys*pep"si*a\, Dyspepsy \Dys*pep"sy\ (?; 277), [L. dyspepsia, Gr. ?, fr. ? hard to digest; ? ill, hard + ? to cook, digest; akin to E. cook: cf. F. dyspepsie. See {Dys-}, and 3d Cook.] (Med.) A kind of indigestion; a state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or, if others are present, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach, etc. --Dunglison.

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