About The Word Lapse

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Lapse Meaning & Definition
Lapse Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lapse?

[n] a failure to maintain a higher state
[n] a mistake resulting from inattention
[n] a break or intermission in the occurrence of something; "a lapse of three weeks between letters"
[v] go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
[v] drop to a lower level; as in one's morals or standards
[v] end, at least for a long time; "The correspondence lapsed"
[v] pass into a specified state or condition; "He sank into Nirvana"
[v] pass by, as of time
[v] let slip; "He lapsed his membership"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lapse: backslide | backsliding | elapse | fall back | glide by | go along | go by | lapsing | oversight | pass | recidivate | regress | relapse | relapse | relapsing | retrogress | reversion | reverting | sink | slide by | slip away | slip by

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lapse: abeyance | about-face | advance | alchemy | apostasy | apostatize | assimilation | assumption | atavism | atheism | atrocity | backing | backset | backslide | backsliding | backward deviation | backward motion | backward step | balk | be all over | be caught napping | be gone | be neglectful | be negligent | be no more | be past | become extinct | become void | becoming | bevue | blooper | blow over | blunder | boner | breach | break | bull | bungle | cadence | caesura | catabasis | catenary | cave | cave in | cease | cease-fire | cessation | change | change-over | close | closing | cock | collapse | comedown | continue | conversion | crash | crime | crime against humanity | culpa | culpable negligence | day off | deadly sin | debasement | decadence | decadency | deceleration | declension | declination | decline | decline and fall | decrescendo | decurrence | default | deformation | degeneracy | degenerate | degenerateness | degeneration | degradation | delinquency | demotion | depravation | depravedness | depreciation | dereliction | derogation | descend | descent | desertion | deteriorate | deterioration | deviate | devolution | die | die away | diminish | diminuendo | diminution | disappear | disenchantment | disregard | dive | downtrend | downturn | downward mobility | downward trend | droop | drop | dwindling | dying | ebb | effeteness | elapse | end | endure | enormity | err | error | evil | expire | fade | fading | fail | failing | failure | failure of nerve | fall | fall again into | fall astern | fall away | fall back | fall behind | fall from grace | fall into error | fall off | falling back | falling-off | false move | false step | fault | felony | flip-flop | flit | flop | flop down | flow | flow on | fluff | flump | flump down | fly | foible | founder | frailty | gap | genocide | get behind | give way | glide | gloss over | go amiss | go astray | go awry | go backwards | go behind | go by | go down | go downhill | go off | go on | go out | go wrong | goof | growth | guilty act | have a relapse | have it | have its time | have run out | heavy sin | hesitation | hiatus | hit a slump | hit rock bottom | hit the skids | hold-up | holiday | homestretch | ignore | impiety | impiousness | impropriety | inadvertence | inadvertency | inattention | indiscretion | inexpiable sin | iniquity | injury | injustice | interim | interlude | intermezzo | intermission | intermittence | interruption | interval | involution | irreligion | irreverence | jerk back | laches | lacuna | laissez-faire | lapse back | lapse from grace | lapsus calami | lapsus linguae | last | last lap | last round | last stage | laxity | laxness | layoff | let go | let ride | let slide | let slip | letup | loose thread | looseness | lose ground | lose sight of | lose track of | loss of tone | lower | lowering | lull | malefaction | malfeasance | malum | minor wrong | miscalculate | miscue | misdeed | misdemeanor | misfeasance | misstep | mistake | mortal sin | naturalization | neglect | neglectfulness | negligence | nod | nonfeasance | noninterference | nonperformance | nonrestriction | not care for | not get involved | not heed | not think | offense | omission | outrage | overlook | overlooking | oversight | pass | pass away | pass by | pass over | passage | pause | peccadillo | peccancy | permissiveness | plop | plop down | plump | plunge | poor stewardship | press on | proceed | procrastination | progress | pull back | reach the depths | reaction | recede | recess | recession | recidivate | recidivation | recidivism | reclamation | reconversion | recreancy | recrudescence | recur to | recurrence | reduction | reentry | refluence | reflux | re-formation | regress | regression | rehabilitation | reinstatement | relapse | remission | remissness | renewal | resolution | respite | rest | restitution | restoration | retreat | retroaction | retrocede | retrocession | retroflex | retroflexion | retrogradation | retrograde | retrogress | retrogression | retroversion | retrovert | retrusion | return | return to | returning | reversal | reverse | reversion | revert | revert to | reverting | revulsion | roll on | rollback | run | run down | run its course | run on | run out | sag | set | setback | settle | settle down | shift | shortcoming | sin | sin of commission | sin of omission | sinful act | sink | sink back | sink down | sinkage | slackness | sleep | slide | slide back | slight | slip | slip away | slip back | slip up | slippage | slipping back | slipup | slouch | slowdown | slump | slump down | stand-down | stay | sternway | stop | stray | stumble | submerge | submergence | subside | subsidence | suspension | swag | switch | switch-over | take for granted | terminate | throwback | tort | touch bottom | transformation | transgression | transit | transition | trespass | trip | truce | turn | turnabout | turning into | undutifulness | unrigorousness | unutterable sin | vacation | venial sin | vice | violation | volte-face | wander | wane | wear away | wear off | wrong | wrong step | yield again to

See Also | advance | break | cease | drop away | drop off | end | error | failure | fall away | fault | fell | finish | fly | forfeit | forgo | give up | go on | intermission | interruption | march on | mistake | move | move on | pass on | pause | progress | recidivism | slip | stop | suspension | terminate | throw overboard | vanish | waive

Lapse In Webster's Dictionary

\Lapse\, n. [L. lapsus, fr. labi, p. p. lapsus, to slide, to fall: cf. F. laps. See {Sleep}.] 1. A gliding, slipping, or gradual falling; an unobserved or imperceptible progress or passing away,; -- restricted usually to immaterial things, or to figurative uses. The lapse to indolence is soft and imperceptible. --Rambler. Bacon was content to wait the lapse of long centuries for his expected revenue of fame. --I. Taylor. 2. A slip; an error; a fault; a failing in duty; a slight deviation from truth or rectitude. To guard against those lapses and failings to which our infirmities daily expose us. --Rogers. 3. (Law) The termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within the limited time, or through failure of some contingency; hence, the devolution of a right or privilege. 4. (Theol.) A fall or apostasy.
\Lapse\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lapsed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Lapsing}.] 1. To pass slowly and smoothly downward, backward, or away; to slip downward, backward, or away; to glide; -- mostly restricted to figurative uses. A tendency to lapse into the barbarity of those northern nations from whom we are descended. --Swift. Homer, in his characters of Vulcan and Thersites, has lapsed into the burlesque character. --Addison. 2. To slide or slip in moral conduct; to fail in duty; to fall from virtue; to deviate from rectitude; to commit a fault by inadvertence or mistake. To lapse in fullness Is sorer than to lie for need. --Shak. 3. (Law) (a) To fall or pass from one proprietor to another, or from the original destination, by the omission, negligence, or failure of some one, as a patron, a legatee, etc. (b) To become ineffectual or void; to fall. If the archbishop shall not fill it up within six months ensuing, it lapses to the king. --Ayliffe.
\Lapse\, v. t. 1. To let slip; to permit to devolve on another; to allow to pass. An appeal may be deserted by the appellant's lapsing the term of law. --Ayliffe. 2. To surprise in a fault or error; hence, to surprise or catch, as an offender. [Obs.] For which, if be lapsed in this place, I shall pay dear. --Shak.

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