About The Word Negligence

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Negligence Meaning & Definition
Negligence Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Negligence?

[n] failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances
[n] the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern

Synonyms | Synonyms for Negligence: carelessness | neglect | neglect | neglectfulness | nonperformance

Related Terms | Find terms related to Negligence: absentmindedness | accidia | acedia | allowance | apathy | approximation | ataraxia | ataraxy | bad policy | blowziness | carelessness | casualness | chintziness | culpa | culpable negligence | default | delinquency | dereliction | detachment | deviation | disconformity | disinterest | dispassion | disregard | disregardfulness | distraction | dowdiness | easiness | easygoingness | failing | failure | fecklessness | flightiness | flippancy | forgetfulness | frivolousness | frowziness | frumpishness | giddiness | grubbiness | hastiness | heedlessness | impolicy | impotence | imprecision | improvidence | inaccuracy | inaccurateness | inadvertence | inadvertency | inattention | inattentiveness | inconsideration | incorrectness | incuriosity | indifference | indiscrimination | inexactitude | inexactness | inexcitability | inexpedience | inexpediency | inobservance | insouciance | laches | lack of affect | lackadaisicalness | laissez-faire | lapse | lax stewardship | laxity | laxness | leniency | levity | lightmindedness | listlessness | looseness | loosening | maladministration | malfeasance | malpractice | messiness | mindlessness | misadministration | misconduct | misdirection | misfeasance | misgovernment | misguidance | mishandling | mismanagement | misrule | neglect | neglectfulness | nonadherence | nonchalance | noncompliance | nonconformance | nonconformity | nonfeasance | nonfulfillment | noninterference | nonobservance | nonperformance | nonrestriction | obliviousness | omission | oscitancy | overindulgence | overlooking | overpermissiveness | oversight | permissiveness | pococurantism | poor husbandry | poor stewardship | predictable error | probable error | procrastination | recklessness | regardlessness | relaxation | relaxedness | remissness | seediness | shabbiness | shallowness | shiftlessness | shoddiness | slackness | slatternliness | slight | slipshodness | sloppiness | sloth | slovenliness | slovenry | sluttishness | softness | sordidness | squalidness | squalor | standard deviation | superficiality | tackiness | tawdriness | thoughtlessness | thriftlessness | tolerance | unalertness | unanxiousness | unawareness | unconcern | unconsciousness | uncorrectness | unfactualness | unheedfulness | unintentiveness | unmindfulness | unneatness | unobservance | unpreciseness | unrestraint | unrigorousness | unsolicitousness | untidiness | unwariness | unwatchfulness | weakness | wrongdoing

See Also | carelessness | comparative negligence | concurrent negligence | contributory negligence | criminal negligence | culpable negligence | delinquency | dereliction | dereliction | dodging | escape | evasion | laxity | laxness | neglect of duty | nonaccomplishment | nonachievement | remissness | willful neglect

Negligence In Webster's Dictionary

\Neg"li*gence\, n. [F. n['e]gligence, L. negligentia.] The quality or state of being negligent; lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness. 2. An act or instance of negligence or carelessness. remarking his beauties, . . . I must also point out his negligences and defects. --Blair. 3. (Law) The omission of the care usual under the circumstances, being convertible with the Roman culpa. A specialist is bound to higher skill and diligence in his specialty than one who is not a specialist, and liability for negligence varies acordingly. {Contributory negligence}. See under {Contributory}. Syn: Neglect; inattention; heedlessness; disregard; slight. Usage: {Negligence}, {Neglect}. These two words are freely interchanged in our older writers; but a distinction has gradually sprung up between them. As now generally used, negligence is the habit, and neglect the act, of leaving things undone or unattended to. We are negligent as a general trait of character; we are guilty of neglect in particular cases, or in reference to individuals who had a right to our attentions.

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