About The Word Imposition

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Learn about the word Imposition to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Imposition definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Imposition Meaning & Definition
Imposition Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Imposition?

[n] the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)
[n] an uncalled-for burden; "he listened but resented the imposition"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Imposition: infliction

Related Terms | Find terms related to Imposition: application | applying | assessment | assumption | atrocity | ballot-box stuffing | blackmail | bunco | burden | burthen | call | call for | cardsharping | cargo | cess | charge | cheat | cheating | claim | cold-type typesetting | composing | composing stick | composition | computerized typesetting | conscience money | contribution | cozenage | cross | cumbrance | deadweight | demand | demand for | diddle | diddling | difficulty | direct tax | disadvantage | dishonesty | disservice | dodge | draft | drain | dummy | duty | embarrassment | encroachment | encumbrance | enforcement | enforcing | entrance | entrenchment | exaction | extortion | extortionate demand | familiarity | fishy transaction | flam | flimflam | fraud | fraudulence | fraudulency | freight | furniture | galley chase | gerrymandering | graduated taxation | graft | great wrong | grievance | grift | gross injustice | gyp | gyp joint | hamper | handicap | heavy demand | hot-metal typesetting | hubris | illicit business | impediment | impedimenta | impingement | impost | imposture | inconvenience | incursion | indent | indirect tax | infiltration | inflicting | infliction | influx | infringement | injection | injury | injustice | inroad | insinuation | insistent demand | interference | interjection | interloping | interposition | interposure | interruption | Intertype | intervention | introduction | intrusion | invasion | irruption | joint return | justification | lawlessness | laying on | layout | levy | liberties | liberty abused | license | licentiousness | line of type | Linotype | load | lumber | miscarriage of justice | misuse | Monotype | nonnegotiable demand | notice | obtrusion | onus | order | outrage | pack | penalty | photocomposition | photosetting | phototypesetter | phototypesetting machine | placement | placing | presumption | presumptuousness | progressive tax | promulgation | quoin | racket | raw deal | requirement | requisition | rush | rush order | scam | separate returns | setting | single tax | slug | supertax | surtax | swindle | tax | tax base | tax dodging | tax evasion | tax exemption | tax return | tax structure | tax withholding | taxable income | taxation | tax-exempt status | taxing | tithe | toll | trespass | trespassing | tribute | trouble | typesetting | typesetting machine | ultimatum | undue liberty | unlawful entry | warning | weight | white elephant | withholding tax | wrong

See Also | burden | encumbrance | enforcement | incumbrance | load | onus | protection | regimentation | reimposition | taxation | trade protection

Imposition In Webster's Dictionary

\Im`po*si"tion\, n. [F., fr. L. impositio the application of a name to a thing. See {Impone}.] 1. The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like. ``From imposition of strict laws.'' --Milton. Made more solemn by the imposition of hands. --Hammond. 2. That which is imposed, levied, or enjoined; charge; burden; injunction; tax. 3. (Eng. Univ.) An extra exercise enjoined on students as a punishment. --T. Warton. 4. An excessive, arbitrary, or unlawful exaction; hence, a trick or deception put on laid on others; cheating; fraud; delusion; imposture. Reputation is an idle and most false imposition. --Shak. 5. (Eccl.) The act of laying on the hands as a religious ceremoy, in ordination, confirmation, etc. 6. (Print.) The act or process of imosing pages or columns of type. See {Impose}, v. t., 4. Syn: Deceit; fraud; imposture. See {Deception}.

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