About The Word Gloss

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Learn about the word Gloss to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Gloss definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Gloss Meaning & Definition
Gloss Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Gloss?

[n] the property of being smooth and shiny
[n] an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
[n] an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text
[v] gloss or excuse; "color a lie"
[v] provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase
[v] provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written"
[v] give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing

Synonyms | Synonyms for Gloss: annotate | burnish | color | colour | comment | glossary | glossiness | polish | rubric

Related Terms | Find terms related to Gloss: abuse of terms | acting | affectation | afterglow | air glow | alibi | allowance | amplification | analysis | annotate | annotation | apology | apparatus criticus | appearance | apply paint | attitudinizing | bedaub | bedizen | begild | belie | besmear | bilingual text | biographical dictionary | blind | bluff | bluffing | brightness | brush on paint | buff | burnish | butter | calcimine | camouflage | candescence | catachresis | cheating | chemical dictionary | clavis | cloak | coat | color | coloring | comment | comment upon | commentary | commentate | commentation | complexion | conceal | contort | contorting | cover | cover story | cover up | cover-up | creamy | crib | critical review | criticism | criticize | critique | cursoriness | dab | daub | deception | decipherment | decoding | decontamination | deep-dye | define | definition | delicate | delusion | desk dictionary | device | dialect dictionary | dictionary | dictionary of quotations | dip | disguise | dissemblance | dissembling | dissimulation | distemper | distort | distortion | double-dye | dress up | dye | edit | editorial | eggshell | eisegesis | electronics dictionary | elucidate | elucidation | embellish | emblazon | embroider | enamel | engild | epidermis | error | etymological dictionary | excuse | exegesis | explain | explanation | explicate | explication | extenuating circumstances | extenuation | extenuative | exteriority | facade | face | faithful translation | fakery | faking | false air | false appearance | false front | false show | falsify | falsity | fast-dye | feigning | feint | finish | flat | flush | footnote | foreign-language dictionary | four-flushing | fraud | free translation | fresco | front | fudge | furbish | garble | garbling | gazetteer | general dictionary | geological dictionary | get one wrong | get wrong | gild | gilding | gilt | glance | glaze | gleam | glint | gloss | gloss over | glossary | glossiness | glow | gradus | grain | guise | handle | hide | hue | humbug | humbuggery | illuminate | imbue | imposture | incandescence | ingrain | interlinear | interlinear translation | interpret | interpretation | iridescent | japan | key | lacquer | lame excuse | lay on | lay on color | leader | leading article | lexicon | light | locus standi | loose translation | luster | make an edition | malentendu | malobservation | mask | masquerade | mellow | mere scratch | meretriciousness | metaphrase | misapplication | misapply | misapprehend | misapprehension | miscitation | miscite | miscolor | misconceive | misconception | misconstruction | misconstrue | misdeem | misexplain | misexplanation | misexplicate | misexplication | misexposition | misexpound | misintelligence | misinterpret | misinterpretation | misjudge | misjudgment | misquotation | misquote | misread | misreading | misrender | misrendering | misreport | misrepresent | misstate | mistake | mistranslate | mistranslation | misunderstand | misunderstanding | misuse of words | mitigation | mother-of-pearl | nacreous | no depth | no water | nomenclator | notation | note | note of explanation | notice | onomasticon | opalescent | ostensible motive | ostentation | outward show | overstate | paint | pale | palliation | palliative | paraphrase | parget | pastel | patina | patinaed | pearly | perversion | pervert | phrase book | pigment | pinprick | playacting | polish | polyglot dictionary | pony | poor excuse | pose | posing | posture | pretense | pretension | pretext | prime | protestation | public motive | put-off | qualification | quiet | refuge | remark | remark upon | report | representation | restatement | review | rewording | rhyming dictionary | rind | rub | running commentary | sad | scholium | science dictionary | scour | scratch | screen | seeming | semblance | semigloss | shade | shadow | shallowness | sham | sheen | shellac | shine | shininess | shining light | shoaliness | show | silkiness | simple | simulacrum | simulation | skin | skylight | slang dictionary | slant | slap on | slather | sleek | sleekness | slick | slick down | slickness | slightness | slop on paint | smear | smear on | smoke screen | smooth over | sober | soft | soft-colored | softened | softening | soft-hued | somber | specialized dictionary | speciousness | spread on | spread with | squeeze | squeezing | stain | stalking-horse | stipple | strain | strain the sense | stratagem | subdued | subterfuge | subtle | sunset glow | superficiality | superficies | surface | sweet | synonym dictionary | synonymy | tar | tender | thesaurus | tinct | tincture | tinge | tint | titivate | tone | torture | torturing | transcription | translate | translation | transliteration | treasury of words | trick | trick out | triviality | trot | twist | twist the words | twisting | unabridged dictionary | undercoat | understate | varnish | veil | veneer | vocabulary | wash | wax | whitewash | whitewashing | window dressing | word of explanation | wordbook | wrench | wrenching | write-up

See Also | account | apologise | apologize | effulgence | excuse | explanation | French polish | glaze | gloss over | hush up | interpret | justify | polish | radiance | radiancy | rationalise | rationalize | refulgence | refulgency | render | rub | shine | shine | skate over | skimp over | sleek over | slur over | smooth | smooth over | smoothen | smoothness | translate | whitewash | wordbook

Gloss In Webster's Dictionary

\Gloss\, n. [Cf. Icel. glossi a blaze, glys finery, MHG. glosen to glow, G. glosten to glimmer; perh. akin to E. glass.] 1. Brightness or luster of a body proceeding from a smooth surface; polish; as, the gloss of silk; cloth is calendered to give it a gloss. It is no part . . . to set on the face of this cause any fairer gloss than the naked truth doth afford. --Hooker. 2. A specious appearance; superficial quality or show. To me more dear, congenial to my heart, One native charm than all the gloss of art. --Goldsmith.
\Gloss\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Glossed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Glossing}.] To give a superficial luster or gloss to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth. The glossed and gleamy wave. --J. R. Drake.
\Gloss\, n. [OE. glose, F. glose, L. glossa a difficult word needing explanation, fr. Gr. ? tongue, language, word needing explanation. Cf. {Gloze}, {Glossary}, {Glottis}.] 1. A foreign, archaic, technical, or other uncommon word requiring explanation. [Obs.] 2. An interpretation, consisting of one or more words, interlinear or marginal; an explanatory note or comment; a running commentary. All this, without a gloss or comment, He would unriddle in a moment. --Hudibras. Explaining the text in short glosses. --T. Baker. 3. A false or specious explanation. --Dryden.
\Gloss\, v. t. 1. To render clear and evident by comments; to illustrate; to explain; to annotate. 2. To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious explanation. You have the art to gloss the foulest cause. --Philips.
\Gloss\, v. i. 1. To make comments; to comment; to explain. --Dryden. 2. To make sly remarks, or insinuations. --Prior.

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