About The Word Falsify

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Learn about the word Falsify to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Falsify definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Falsify Meaning & Definition
Falsify Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Falsify?

[v] insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
[v] falsify knowingly; "She falsified the records"
[v] prove false; "Falsify a claim"
[v] make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
[v] fake or falsify; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Falsify: alter | cook | distort | fake | fudge | garble | interpolate | manipulate | misrepresent | wangle | warp

Related Terms | Find terms related to Falsify: alter | be untruthful | belie | burlesque | camouflage | caricature | change | cheat | color | contort | contradict | contravene | cook | deceive | deny | disguise | distort | doctor | draw the longbow | dress up | embellish | embroider | equivocate | evade | exaggerate | fake | fib | fudge | garble | gild | gloss | gloss over | lie | lie flatly | mask | miscite | miscolor | mislead | misquote | misreport | misrepresent | misstate | misteach | overdraw | overstate | palter | parody | pervert | prevaricate | shift | shift about | slant | speak falsely | story | strain | stretch the truth | tell a lie | titivate | traverse | travesty | trick out | trump up | twist | understate | varnish | warp | whitewash | wrench

See Also | belie | change by reversal | cheat | chisel | confute | cook up | disprove | edit | fabricate | invent | juggle | make up | mangle | manufacture | misrepresent | murder | mutilate | redact | reverse | turn

Falsify In Webster's Dictionary

\Fal"si*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Falsified}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Falsifying}.] [L. falsus false + -ly: cf. F. falsifier. See {False}, a.] 1. To make false; to represent falsely. The Irish bards use to forge and falsify everything as they list, to please or displease any man. --Spenser. 2. To counterfeit; to forge; as, to falsify coin. 3. To prove to be false, or untrustworthy; to confute; to disprove; to nullify; to make to appear false. By how much better than my word I am, By so much shall I falsify men's hope. --Shak. Jews and Pagans united all their endeavors, under Julian the apostate, to baffie and falsify the prediction. --Addison. 4. To violate; to break by falsehood; as, to falsify one's faith or word. --Sir P. Sidney. 5. To baffle or escape; as, to falsify a blow. --Butler. 6. (Law) To avoid or defeat; to prove false, as a judgment. --Blackstone. 7. (Equity) To show, in accounting, (an inem of charge inserted in an account) to be wrong. --Story. Daniell. 8. To make false by multilation or addition; to tamper with; as, to falsify a record or document.
\Fal"si*fy\, v. i. To tell lies; to violate the truth. It is absolutely and universally unlawful to lie and falsify. South.

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