About The Word Murder

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Learn about the word Murder to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Murder definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Murder Meaning & Definition
Murder Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Murder?

[n] unlawful premeditated killing of a human being
[v] alter so as to make unrecognizable; "The tourists murdered the French language"
[v] kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Murder: bump off | dispatch | execution | hit | homicide | mangle | mutilate | polish off | remove | slay | slaying

Related Terms | Find terms related to Murder: abate | abolish | annihilate | asphyxiate | assassinate | assassination | be all thumbs | behead | blood | bloodshed | bloody murder | blot out | blunder | blunder away | blunder into | blunder on | blunder upon | boggle | botch | bumble | bump off | bumping-off | bungle | butcher | butchery | carnage | commit a gaffe | cool | decapitate | decimation | destroy | do in | dust off | electrocute | eliminate | elimination | eradicate | eradication | execute | exterminate | extermination | extinguish | faux pas | finish | flounder | foul play | fratricide | fumble | garrote | genocide | get rid of | guillotine | hang | homicide | ice | infanticide | kill | killing | knock off | lay low | liquidate | liquidation | lumber | lynch | mangle | manslaughter | mar | massacre | matricide | miscue | muddle | muff | murdering | mutilate | parricide | patricide | play havoc with | polish off | purge | purging | put away | put down | put to death | regicide | removal | remove | root out | rub out | ruin | scrag | slaughter | slay | slaying | slip | smother | snuff out | sororicide | spoil | strangle | stumble | thuggee | thuggery | thuggism | trip | uproot | uxoricide | waste | wipe out | wiping out | wreck

See Also | assassination | blood | bloodshed | burke | butchery | carnage | distort | dry-gulching | elimination | execute | falsify | fratricide | garble | gore | hit | infanticide | kill | kill | killing | liquidation | mass murder | massacre | parricide | putting to death | shoot-down | slaughter | thuggee | tyrannicide | warp

Murder In Webster's Dictionary

\Mur"der\, n. [OE. morder, morther, AS. mor[eth]or, fr. mor[eth] murder; akin to D. moord, OS. mor[eth], G., Dan., & Sw. mord, Icel. mor[eth], Goth. ma['u]r[thorn]r, OSlav. mr[=e]ti to die, Lith. mirti, W. marw dead, L. mors, mortis, death, mori, moriri, to die, Gr. broto`s (for mroto`s) mortal, 'a`mbrotos immortal, Skr. m[.r] to die, m[.r]ta death. [root]105. Cf. {Amaranth}, {Ambrosia}, {Mortal}.] The offense of killing a human being with malice prepense or aforethought, express or implied; intentional and unlawful homicide. ``Mordre will out.'' --Chaucer. The killing of their children had, in the account of God, the guilt of murder, as the offering them to idols had the guilt of idolatry. --Locke. Slaughter grows murder when it goes too far. --Dryden. Note: Murder in the second degree, in most jurisdictions, is a malicious homicide committed without a specific intention to take life. --Wharton.
\Mur"der\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Murdered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Murdering}.] [OE. mortheren, murtheren, AS. myr?rian; akin to OHG. murdiren, Goth. ma['u]r?rjan. See {Murder}, n.] 1. To kill with premediated malice; to kill (a human being) willfully, deliberately, and unlawfully. See {Murder}, n. 2. To destroy; to put an end to. [Canst thou] murder thy breath in middle of a word? --Shak. 3. To mutilate, spoil, or deform, as if with malice or cruelty; to mangle; as, to murder the king's English. Syn: To kill; assassinate; slay. See {Kill}.

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