About The Word Eradicate

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Eradicate Meaning & Definition
Eradicate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Eradicate?

[v] kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"
[v] destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Eradicate: annihilate | carry off | decimate | eliminate | exterminate | extinguish | extirpate | uproot | wipe out

Related Terms | Find terms related to Eradicate: abate | abolish | abscind | abstract | amputate | annihilate | avulse | ban | bar | blot | bob | cast off | cast out | chuck | clear | clear away | clear out | clear the decks | clip | crop | cull | cut | cut away | cut off | cut out | deport | deracinate | dig out | dig up | disentangle | dispose of | dock | draw | draw out | dredge | dredge up | eject | elide | eliminate | enucleate | evolve | evulse | excavate | except | excise | exclude | exile | expatriate | expel | exsect | exterminate | extinguish | extirpate | extract | extricate | get out | get quit of | get rid of | get shut of | gouge out | grub up | isolate | knock off | liquidate | lop | mine | mutilate | nip | outlaw | pare | peel | pick out | pluck out | pluck up | prune | pull | pull out | pull up | purge | quarry | rake out | remove | rip out | root out | root up | rule out | set apart | set aside | shave | shear | stamp out | strike off | strike out | strip | strip off | sweep away | take off | take out | tear out | throw over | throw overboard | truncate | unearth | unravel | uproot | weed out | wipe out | withdraw | wrest out

See Also | destroy | destruct | kill

Eradicate In Webster's Dictionary

\E*rad"i*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Eradicated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Eradicating}.] [L. eradicatus, p. p. of eradicare to eradicate; e out + radix, radicis, root. See {Radical}.] 1. To pluck up by the roots; to root up; as, an oak tree eradicated. 2. To root out; to destroy utterly; to extirpate; as, to eradicate diseases, or errors. This, although now an old an inveterate evil, might be eradicated by vigorous treatment. --Southey. Syn: To extirpate; root out; exterminate; destroy; annihilate.

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