About The Word Dig up

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Dig up

Dig up Meaning & Definition
Dig up Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dig up?

[v] find by digging in the ground; "I dug up an old box in the garden"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dig up: excavate | turn up

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dig up: accumulate | agglomerate | aggregate | aggroup | amass | assemble | avulse | batch | be curious | bring to light | bring together | bulk | bunch | bunch together | bunch up | burn with curiosity | clump | cluster | collect | colligate | collocate | combine | compare | compile | conglomerate | corral | cull | cumulate | cut out | deracinate | dig around for | dig out | disclose | disentangle | disinter | draw | draw out | draw together | dredge | dredge up | drive together | eradicate | evolve | evulse | excavate | excise | exhume | expose | exsect | extract | extricate | ferret out | fish up | gape | gather | gather in | gather together | gawk | get in | get out | get together | glean | gouge out | group | grub | grub up | inquire | interrogate | join | juxtapose | lump together | make up | mass | match | mine | mobilize | muster | nose around for | nose out | pair | partner | peer | pick | pick out | pick up | pluck | pluck out | pluck up | pull | pull out | pull up | put together | quarry | query | question | quiz | raise | rake out | rake up | rally | remove | reveal | rip out | root out | root up | round up | rubber | rubberneck | scare up | scrape together | scrape up | seek | stare | take out | take up | tear out | turn up | uncover | unearth | unravel | uproot | want to know | weed out | whip in | withdraw | worm out | wrest out

See Also | disinter | exhume | grub out | grub up | nuzzle | obtain

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