About The Word Bob

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Bob Meaning & Definition
Bob Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bob?

[n] a short abrupt inclination (as of the head); "he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"
[n] a short or shortened tail of certain animals
[n] a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line
[n] a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string
[n] a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism
[n] a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
[n] a former monetary unit in Great Britain
[v] cut hair in the style of a bob; "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"
[v] make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect; "She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand"
[v] remove or shorten the tail of an animal
[v] move up and down repeatedly; "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"
[v] ride a bobsled; "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bob: bobber | bobfloat | bobsled | bobsled | bobsleigh | bobtail | British shilling | cork | curtsy | dock | dock | shilling | tail

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bob: abbreviate | abridge | abscind | abstract | accost | address | amputate | angle | annihilate | bait the hook | balsa | balsa raft | ban | bar | barber | bawbee | bend | bend the knee | bend the neck | bending the knee | bis | bob a curtsy | bob down | bobble | boil down | boom | bounce | bow | bow and scrape | bow down | bow the head | bowing and scraping | bump | buoy | burden | caper | capriole | capsulize | caracole | careen | Carling float | cavort | chant | chatter | chorus | clam | clip | coggle | coif | coiffure | compress | condense | conk | contract | cork | crop | crouch | crown | cull | curtail | curtsy | curvet | cut | cut a dido | cut away | cut back | cut capers | cut down | cut off | cut off short | cut out | cut short | dangle | dap | dib | dibble | didder | dipping the colors | dither | ditto | dock | dollar | drive | duck | elide | eliminate | embrace | enucleate | epitomize | eradicate | except | excise | exclude | extinguish | extirpate | fall down before | falter | farthing | fish | fiver | flick | flip | flirt | float | florin | flounce | fluctuate | flutter | fly-fish | foreshorten | fourpence | fourpenny | frisk | gambado | gambol | genuflect | genuflection | gig | go fishing | greeting | grig | grimace | groat | guddle | guinea | hail | half crown | half dollar | halfpenny | hand-clasp | handshake | have an ague | hello | hitch | homage | how-do-you-do | hug | hustle | inclination | isolate | jack | jacklight | jactitate | jar | jerk | jig | jigget | jiggle | jog | joggle | jolt | jostle | jounce | jump | jump about | kiss | kneel | kneeling | knock | knock off | kowtow | lead | librate | life buoy | life preserver | life raft | lop | lurch | mag | make a leg | make a reverence | make obeisance | making a leg | meg | mite | monkey | mow | mutilate | net | new pence | nip | nod | np | nutate | obeisance | obsequiousness | oscillate | p | pare | peel | pence | pendulate | penny | pick out | pitch | pluck | plumb | plumb bob | plumb line | plumb rule | plummet | poll | pollard | pompadour | pontoon | pony | pound | prance | presenting arms | process | prostration | prune | quake | quaver | quid | quiver | raft | ramp | rap | reap | recap | recapitulate | reduce | reel | refrain | repeat | repetend | resonate | retrench | reverence | rictus | ritornello | rock | roll | romp | root out | rule out | salaam | salutation | salute | sandbag | scrape | seine | servility | set apart | set aside | set square | shake | shave | shear | shilling | shingle | shiver | shock | shorten | shrimp | shudder | sinker | sixpence | skip | smile | smile of recognition | snatch | snub | spin | square | squat | stamp out | standing at attention | start | still-fish | stoop | strike off | strip | strip off | stunt | submission | submissiveness | sudden pull | sum up | summarize | supination | surfboard | swag | sway | swing | synopsize | T square | take in | take off | take out | telescope | tenner | threepence | threepenny bit | thrippence | tic | torch | toss | trawl | tremble | tremor | trim | trip | troll | truncate | try square | tunk | tuppence | tweak | twitch | twitter | twopence | undersong | vacillate | vibrate | wag | waggle | wave | waver | weight | whale | wipe out | wobble | wrench | yank | yerk

See Also | arrange | bob about | bob around | bow | bow down | British monetary unit | cent | coif | coiffe | coiffure | coiffure | cut | do | dress | fishing gear | fishing rig | fishing tackle | float | greet | hair style | hairdo | inclination | inclining | kite tail | move | pendulum | plumb | plumb bob | plummet | recognise | recognize | rig | set | sled | sled | sledge | sleigh | sleigh | sounding lead | tackle | tail | weight

Bob In Webster's Dictionary

\Bob\, n. [An onomatopoetic word, expressing quick, jerky motion; OE. bob bunch, bobben to strike, mock, deceive. Cf. Prov. Eng. bob, n., a ball, an engine beam, bunch, blast, trick, taunt, scoff; as, a v., to dance, to courtesy, to disappoint, OF. bober to mock.] 1. Anything that hangs so as to play loosely, or with a short abrupt motion, as at the end of a string; a pendant; as, the bob at the end of a kite's tail. In jewels dressed and at each ear a bob. --Dryden. 2. A knot of worms, or of rags, on a string, used in angling, as for eels; formerly, a worm suitable for bait. Or yellow bobs, turned up before the plow, Are chiefest baits, with cork and lead enow. --Lauson. 3. A small piece of cork or light wood attached to a fishing line to show when a fish is biting; a float. 4. The ball or heavy part of a pendulum; also, the ball or weight at the end of a plumb line. 5. A small wheel, made of leather, with rounded edges, used in polishing spoons, etc. 6. A short, jerking motion; act of bobbing; as, a bob of the head. 7. (Steam Engine) A working beam. 8. A knot or short curl of hair; also, a bob wig. A plain brown bob he wore. --Shenstone. 9. A peculiar mode of ringing changes on bells. 10. The refrain of a song. To bed, to bed, will be the bob of the song. --L'Estrange. 11. A blow; a shake or jog; a rap, as with the fist. 12. A jeer or flout; a sharp jest or taunt; a trick. He that a fool doth very wisely hit, Doth very foolishly, although he smart, Not to seem senseless of the bob. --Shak. 13. A shilling. [Slang, Eng.] --Dickens.
\Bob\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bobbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bobbing}.] [OE. bobben. See {Bob}, n.] 1. To cause to move in a short, jerking manner; to move (a thing) with a bob. ``He bobbed his head.'' --W. Irving. 2. To strike with a quick, light blow; to tap. If any man happened by long sitting to sleep . . . he was suddenly bobbed on the face by the servants. --Elyot. 3. To cheat; to gain by fraud or cheating; to filch. Gold and jewels that I bobbed from him. --Shak. 4. To mock or delude; to cheat. To play her pranks, and bob the fool, The shrewish wife began. --Turbervile. 5. To cut short; as, to bob the hair, or a horse's tail.
\Bob\, v. i. 1. To have a short, jerking motion; to play to and fro, or up and down; to play loosely against anything. ``Bobbing and courtesying.'' --Thackeray. 2. To angle with a bob. See {Bob}, n., 2 & 3. He ne'er had learned the art to bob For anything but eels. --Saxe. {To bob at an apple}, {cherry}, etc. to attempt to bite or seize with the mouth an apple, cherry, or other round fruit, while it is swinging from a string or floating in a tug of water.

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