About The Word Plumb

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Plumb Meaning & Definition
Plumb Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Plumb?

[n] the metal bob of a plumb line
[adv] (slang) completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"
[adv] (informal) exactly; "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle"
[adv] conforming to the direction of a plumb line
[adj] exactly vertical; "the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb"
[v] adjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical
[v] examine thoroughly and in great depth
[v] measure the depth of something
[v] weight with lead

Synonyms | Synonyms for Plumb: clean | perpendicular | plum | plumb bob | plummet | vertical

Related Terms | Find terms related to Plumb: absolute | absolutely | accurately | all-embracing | all-encompassing | all-out | all-pervading | answer | aplomb | appraise | appreciate | assay | assess | at right angles | azimuth circle | bang | bar | barricade | batten | batten down | bob | bolt | born | bottom | broad-based | button | button up | calculate | calibrate | caliper | cast the lead | check a parameter | choke | choke off | clap | clean | clear | clear up | close | close up | come alive | completely | comprehensive | compute | congenital | constrict | consummate | contain | contract | cover | crack | dead | debug | decipher | decode | deep-dyed | definitely | delve | delve into | descry | dial | dig into | directly | discern | disentangle | divide | divine | do | dope | dope out | downright | dyed-in-the-wool | egregious | entirely | estimate | evaluate | even | exactly | exhaustive | explain | explore | expressly | faithfully | fasten | fathom | figure out | find out | find the answer | find the solution | flush | fold | fold up | full | fully | gauge | get | get right | go into | graduate | guess | guess right | have it | hit it | in all respects | in every respect | indagate | intensive | interpret | investigate | ipsissimis verbis | irretrievably | irrevocably | just | kerplunk | key | latch | lead | literally | literatim | lock | lock out | lock up | look into | make a sounding | make out | measure | mensurate | mete | meter | normal | occlude | omnibus | omnipresent | open the lock | orthodiagonal | orthogonal | out-and-out | outright | pace | padlock | peer into | penetrate | perceive | perfect | perfectly | perpendicular | perpendicularly | pervasive | pierce | plain | plop | plumb bob | plumb line | plumb rule | plumb the depths | plumb-line | plummet | plump | plunging | plunk | point-blank | poke into | positively | precipitous | precisely | prize | probe | pry into | psych | psych out | pure | puzzle out | quantify | quantize | quite | radical | rate | ravel | ravel out | regular | resolve | riddle | right | right angle | right-angle | right-angled | right-angular | rigidly | rigorously | sandbag | seal | seal off | seal up | search into | secure | see | see daylight | see into | see the light | see through | set | set square | sheer | sheerly | shut | shut the door | shut up | sift | sinker | size | size up | slam | slap | sling the lead | smack | smack-dab | snap | solve | sort out | sound | span | spang | spot | square | squarely | squeeze shut | stark | steep | step | straight | straight-up | straight-up-and-down | strangle | strictly | survey | sweeping | T square | take a reading | take soundings | thorough | thoroughgoing | thoroughly | through-and-through | to the letter | total | triangulate | try square | ubiquitous | unconditional | undeviatingly | undo | unerringly | universal | unlock | unmitigated | unqualified | unravel | unrelievedly | unreserved | unrestricted | unriddle | unscramble | untangle | untwist | unweave | up and down | up-and-down | upright | utter | utterly | valuate | value | verbally | verbatim | verbatim et litteratim | veritable | vertical | vertical circle | weigh | weight | wholesale | wholly | word by word | word for word | work | work out | zip up | zipper

See Also | adjust | bob | burden | burthen | explore | measure | perpendicular | plumb line | quantify | set | weight | weight down

Plumb In Webster's Dictionary

\Plumb\, n. [F. plomb, L. plumbum lead, a leaden ball or bullet; cf. Gr. ?, ?, ?. Cf. {Plummet}, {Plunge}.] A little mass or weight of lead, or the like, attached to a line, and used by builders, etc., to indicate a vertical direction; a plummet; a plumb bob. See {Plumb line}, below. {Plumb bob}. See {Bob}, 4. {Plumb joint}, in sheet-metal work, a lap joint, fastened by solder. {Plumb level}. See under {Level}. {Plumb line}. (a) The cord by which a plumb bob is suspended; a plummet. (b) A line directed to the center of gravity of the earth. {Plumb rule}, a narrow board with a plumb line, used by builders and carpenters.
\Plumb\, a. Perpendicular; vertical; conforming the direction of a line attached to a plumb; as, the wall is plumb.
\Plumb\, adv. In a plumb direction; perpendicularly. ``Plumb down he falls.'' --Milton.
\Plumb\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Plumbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Plumbing}.] 1. To adjust by a plumb line; to cause to be perpendicular; as, to plumb a building or a wall. 2. To sound with a plumb or plummet, as the depth of water; hence, to examine by test; to ascertain the depth, quality, dimension, etc.; to sound; to fathom; to test. He did not attempt to plumb his intellect. --Ld. Lytton. 3. To seal with lead; as, to plumb a drainpipe. 4. To supply, as a building, with a system of plumbing.

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