About The Word Calculate

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Learn about the word Calculate to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Calculate definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Calculate Meaning & Definition
Calculate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Calculate?

[v] predict in advance
[v] make a mathematical calculation or computation
[v] judge to be probable
[v] have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
[v] specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
[v] keep an account of

Synonyms | Synonyms for Calculate: account | aim | cipher | compute | count on | cypher | direct | figure | forecast | forecast | reckon | work out

Related Terms | Find terms related to Calculate: add | add up | algebraize | appraise | appreciate | arrange | ascertain | assay | assess | bank on | build on | calibrate | caliper | cast | check a parameter | cipher | compute | concert | consider | contrive | count | count on | cut out | depend | design | determine | devise | dial | discover | divide | dope out | estimate | evaluate | extract roots | fathom | figure | figure in | figure out | forecast | forethink | frame | gauge | graduate | intend | lay plans | lot | make a projection | make arrangements | measure | mensurate | mete | meter | methodize | multiply | organize | pace | plan | plan ahead | plot | plumb | prearrange | premeditate | preresolve | price | prize | probe | program | project | quantify | quantize | rate | rationalize | reckon | reckon on | schedule | schematize | scheme | score | set up | shape | size | size up | sound | span | step | study | subtract | survey | systematize | take a reading | take account of | tally | triangulate | trust in | valuate | value | weigh | work out | work out beforehand | work up

See Also | add | add together | allow | anticipate | approximate | average | average out | balance | bank | bet | bill | budget | calculate | call | capitalise | capitalize | charge | compound | count | credit | debit | deduct | depend | designate | destine | differentiate | divide | estimate | extract | extrapolate | factor | factor in | factor out | figure out | forebode | foretell | fraction | gauge | guess | integrate | intend | interpolate | judge | lick | look | miscalculate | misestimate | multiply | overbalance | predict | process | prognosticate | promise | prorate | puzzle out | quantise | quantize | reason | recalculate | rely | resolve | solve | specify | subtract | survey | swear | take into account | take off | trust | work

Calculate In Webster's Dictionary

\Cal"cu*late\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Calculater}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Calculating}.] [L, calculatus, p. p. of calculate, fr. calculus a pebble, a stone used in reckoning; hence, a reckoning, fr. calx, calcis, a stone used in gaming, limestone. See {Calx}.] 1. To ascertain or determine by mathematical processes, usually by the ordinary rules of arithmetic; to reckon up; to estimate; to compute. A calencar exacity calculated than any othe. --North. 2. To ascertain or predict by mathematical or astrological computations the time, circumstances, or other conditions of; to forecast or compute the character or consequences of; as, to calculate or cast one's nativity. A cunning man did calculate my birth. --Shak. 3. To adjust for purpose; to adapt by forethought or calculation; to fit or prepare by the adaptation of means to an end; as, to calculate a system of laws for the government and protection of a free people. [Religion] is . . . calculated for our benefit. --Abp. Tillotson. 4. To plan; to expect; to think. [Local, U. S.] Syn: To compute; reckon; count; estimate; rate. Usage: {To Calculate}, {Compute}. {Reckon}, {Count}. These words indicate the means by which we arrive at a given result in regard to quantity. We calculate with a view to obtain a certain point of knowledge; as, to calculate an eclipse. We compute by combining given numbers, in order to learn the grand result. We reckon and count in carrying out the details of a computation. These words are also used in a secondary and figurative sense. ``Calculate is rather a conjection from what is, as to what may be; computation is a rational estimate of what has been, from what is; reckoning is a conclusive conviction, a pleasing assurance that a thing will happen; counting indicates an expectation. We calculate on a gain; we compute any loss sustained, or the amount of any mischief done; we reckon on a promised pleasure; we count the hours and minutes until the time of enjoyment arrives'' --Crabb.
\Cal"cu*late\, v. i. To make a calculation; to forecast consequences; to estimate; to compute. The strong passions, whether good or bad, never calculate. --F. W. Robertson.

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