About The Word Count

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Count Meaning & Definition
Count Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Count?

[n] the act of counting; "the counting continued for several hours"
[n] a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
[n] the total number counted; "a blood count"
[v] include as if by counting; "I can count my colleagues in the opposition"
[v] take account of; "You have to reckon with our opponents"; "Count on the monsoon"
[v] have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis"
[v] name or recite the numbers; "The toddler could count to 100"
[v] determine the number or amount of; "Can you count the books on your shelf?"; "Count your change"
[v] show consideration for; take into account; "You must consider her age"; "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient"
[v] have weight; have import, carry weight; "It does not matter much"
[v] put into a group; "The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Count: bet | calculate | consider | counting | depend | enumerate | enumeration | look | matter | number | number | numerate | numeration | reckon | reckoning | tally | weigh | weigh

Related Terms | Find terms related to Count: a reckoning of | account | account of | accounts | accusal | accusation | accusing | add up | adjudge | adjudicate | admit | aggregate | allegation | allegement | allow | amount | amount to something | apportion | archduke | aristocrat | armiger | arraignment | article | aspect | assimilate | bank on | baron | baronet | batch | be featured | be influential | be judicious | be persuasive | be prominent | be regarded | be somebody | be something | be thought of | beat | beat a tattoo | beat the drum | beat time | bill of particulars | blame | blue blood | body count | box score | Brahman | bringing of charges | bringing to book | budget | bunch | calculate | call off | call over | call the roll | capitulation | carry weight | case | cast | census | charge | check of | chunk | clutch | complaint | complete | comprehend | comprise | compute | consider | contain | count in | count of | count on | count the beats | count up | cover | cut ice | cut some ice | daimio | datum | deal | decrease | deem | delation | denouncement | denunciation | depend on | detail | difference | divide | dose | drum | duke | earl | election returns | element | embody | embrace | encircle | enclose | encompass | enumerate | envisage | esquire | esteem | exercise judgment | express an opinion | facet | fact | factor | figure on | figure out | figure up | fill | fill in | fill out | fix | foliate | form an opinion | gentleman | get top billing | gob | grand duke | grandee | group | have an in | have full play | have influence | have personality | have pull | head count | heap | hidalgo | hold | hunk | impeachment | implication | import | imputation | incidental | include | incorporate | increase | indictment | information | innuendo | insinuation | instance | inventory | item | judge | keep time | lace-curtain | laird | landgrave | landslide | large amount | lawsuit | laying of charges | look on | look upon | lord | lordling | lot | magnate | magnifico | margrave | marquis | matter | measure | mess | minor detail | minutia | minutiae | noble | nobleman | nose count | number | number among | numerate | occupy | official count | optimate | pack | page | paginate | palsgrave | parcel | part | particular | patrician | peer | pine | plaint | play drum | point | poll | portion | pound | presume | product | prosecution | quantify | quantity | quantize | rank | rate | ration | recapitulation | receive | reckon | reckon among | reckon in | reckon on | reckon with | reckoning | recount | recounting | reduce | regard | rehearsal | rely on | rely upon | repertory | reproach | respect | returns | ruffle | run over | score | seigneur | seignior | signify | silk-stocking | small amount | sound a tattoo | squire | stand out | star | statement | suit | sum | summary | summation | summing | summing up | suppose | swell | tabs of | take in | take into account | take into consideration | take up | tale | tally | tally of | tap | taxing | tell | the bottom line | the story | the whole story | thing | think of | thoroughbred | thrum | thump | tidal wave | tom-tom | total | track of | true bill | trust | unspoken accusation | upper-cruster | veiled accusation | viscount | waldgrave | weigh | whole | x number

See Also | add | add together | add up | approximate | ascertain | assort | bank | be | blood count | blood count | body count | census | census | circulation | class | classify | complement | consult | count down | count out | count palatine | countdown | determine | estimate | find | find out | gauge | guess | head count | headcount | include | interest | investigating | investigation | judge | landgrave | Lord | matter to | miscount | miscount | noble | nobleman | nosecount | number | poll | pollen count | press | recite | recount | recount | rely | separate | sort | sort out | sperm count | sperm count | sum | sum up | summate | swear | tally | tot | tot up | total | tote up | trust

Count In Webster's Dictionary

\Count\ (kount), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Counted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Counting}.] [OF. conter, and later (etymological spelling) compter, in modern French thus distinguished; conter to relate (cf. {Recount}, {Account}), compter to count; fr. L. computuare to reckon, compute; com- + putare to reckon, settle, order, prune, orig., to clean. See {Pure}, and cf. {Compute}.] 1. To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units in a collection; to number; to enumerate; to compute; to reckon. Who can count the dust of Jacob? --Num. xxiii. 10. In a journey of forty miles, Avaux counted only three miserable cabins. --Macaulay. 2. To place to an account; to ascribe or impute; to consider or esteem as belonging. Abracham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. --Rom. iv. 3. 3. To esteem; to account; to reckon; to think, judge, or consider. I count myself in nothing else so happy As in a soul remembering my good friends. --Shak. {To count out}. (a) To exclude (one) from consideration; to be assured that (one) will not participate or cannot be depended upon. (b) (House of Commons) To declare adjourned, as a sitting of the House, when it is ascertained that a quorum is not present. (c) To prevent the accession of (a person) to office, by a fraudulent return or count of the votes cast; -- said of a candidate really elected. [Colloq.] Syn: To calculate; number; reckon; compute; enumerate. See {Calculate}.
\Count\, v. i. 1. To number or be counted; to possess value or carry weight; hence, to increase or add to the strength or influence of some party or interest; as, every vote counts; accidents count for nothing. This excellent man . . . counted among the best and wisest of English statesmen. --J. A. Symonds. 2. To reckon; to rely; to depend; -- with on or upon. He was brewer to the palace; and it was apprehended that the government counted on his voice. --Macaulay. I think it a great error to count upon the genius of a nation as a standing argument in all ages. --Swift. 3. To take account or note; -- with of. [Obs.] ``No man counts of her beauty.'' --Shak. 4. (Eng. Law) To plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count. --Burrill.
\Count\, n. [F. conte and compte, with different meanings, fr. L. computus a computation, fr. computare. See {Count}, v. t.] 1. The act of numbering; reckoning; also, the number ascertained by counting. Of blessed saints for to increase the count. --Spenser. By this count, I shall be much in years. --Shak. 2. An object of interest or account; value; estimation. [Obs.] ``All his care and count.'' --Spenser. 3. (Law) A formal statement of the plaintiff's case in court; in a more technical and correct sense, a particular allegation or charge in a declaration or indictment, separately setting forth the cause of action or prosecution. --Wharton. Note: In the old law books, count was used synonymously with declaration. When the plaintiff has but a single cause of action, and makes but one statement of it, that statement is called indifferently count or declaration, most generally, however, the latter. But where the suit embraces several causes, or the plaintiff makes several different statements of the same cause of action, each statement is called a count, and all of them combined, a declaration. --Bouvier. Wharton.
\Count\, n. [F. conte, fr. L. comes, comitis, associate, companion, one of the imperial court or train, properly, one who goes with another; com- + ire to go, akin to Skr. i to go.] A nobleman on the continent of Europe, equal in rank to an English earl. Note: Though the tittle Count has never been introduced into Britain, the wives of Earls have, from the earliest period of its history, been designated as Countesses. --Brande & C. {Count palatine}. (a) Formerly, the proprietor of a county who possessed royal prerogatives within his county, as did the Earl of Chester, the Bishop of Durham, and the Duke of Lancaster. [Eng.] See {County palatine}, under {County}. (b) Originally, a high judicial officer of the German emperors; afterward, the holder of a fief, to whom was granted the right to exercise certain imperial powers within his own domains. [Germany]

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Crossword Dictionary