About The Word Assay

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Assay Meaning & Definition
Assay Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Assay?

[n] an appraisal of the state of affairs; "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress"
[v] analyze (chemical substances)
[v] make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Assay: attempt | check | essay | seek | try

Related Terms | Find terms related to Assay: acid test | analysis | analyzation | analyze | anatomize | anatomizing | anatomy | appraise | appreciate | approach | assaying | assess | attempt | bid | blank determination | break down | break up | breakdown | breaking down | breaking up | breakup | bring to test | brouillon | calculate | calibrate | caliper | chance | check a parameter | compute | confirm | crack | criterion | crucial test | crucible | cut and try | determination | dial | dissect | dissection | divide | division | docimasy | effort | endeavor | engage | essay | estimate | evaluate | experiment | fathom | feeling out | first draft | fling | gambit | gauge | give a try | give a tryout | go | graduate | gravimetric analysis | have a go | kiteflying | lick | lift a finger | make an attempt | make an effort | measure | mensurate | mete | meter | move | offer | ordeal | pace | play around with | plumb | practice upon | prize | probation | probe | proof | prove | proximate analysis | put to trial | quantify | quantitative analysis | quantize | rate | reduce | reduce to elements | reduction to elements | research | resolution | resolve | road-test | rough draft | rough sketch | run a sample | sample | segment | segmentation | semimicroanalysis | separate | separation | shake down | shot | size | size up | sound | sounding out | span | stab | standard | step | stroke | strong bid | subdivide | subdivision | substantiate | survey | take a reading | taste | tentative | test | test case | touchstone | trial | trial and error | triangulate | try | try it on | try out | undertake | undertaking | validate | valuate | value | venture | venture on | venture upon | verification | verify | weigh | whack

See Also | act | adventure | analyse | analyze | Apgar score | appraisal | assessment | bioassay | bioassay | canvass | chance | diagnostic assay | diagnostic test | endeavor | endeavour | examine | examine | fight | gamble | give it a try | give it a whirl | grope | hazard | lay on the line | move | paternity test | pick up the gauntlet | pregnancy test | prove | put on the line | risk | run a risk | Snellen test | stress test | strive | struggle | study | take a chance | take a dare | take chances | test | test | try out

Assay In Webster's Dictionary

\As*say"\, n. [OF. asai, essai, trial, F. essa. See {Essay}, n.] 1. Trial; attempt; essay. [Obs.] --Chaucer. I am withal persuaded that it may prove much more easy in the assay than it now seems at distance. --Milton. 2. Examination and determination; test; as, an assay of bread or wine. [Obs.] This can not be, by no assay of reason. --Shak. 3. Trial by danger or by affliction; adventure; risk; hardship; state of being tried. [Obs.] Through many hard assays which did betide. --Spenser. 4. Tested purity or value. [Obs.] With gold and pearl of rich assay. --Spenser. 5. (Metallurgy) The act or process of ascertaining the proportion of a particular metal in an ore or alloy; especially, the determination of the proportion of gold or silver in bullion or coin. 6. The alloy or metal to be assayed. --Ure. Usage: {Assay} and {essay} are radically the same word; but modern usage has appropriated {assay} chiefly to experiments in metallurgy, and {essay} to intellectual and bodily efforts. See {Essay}. Note: Assay is used adjectively or as the first part of a compound; as, assay balance, assay furnace. {Assay master}, an officer who assays or tests gold or silver coin or bullion. {Assay ton}, a weight of 29,1662/3 grams.
\As*say"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assayed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Assaying}.] [OF. asaier, essaier, F. essayer, fr. essai. See {Assay}, n., {Essay}, v.] 1. To try; to attempt; to apply. [Obs. or Archaic] To-night let us assay our plot. --Shak. Soft words to his fierce passion she assayed. --Milton. 2. To affect. [Obs.] When the heart is ill assayed. --Spenser. 3. To try tasting, as food or drink. [Obs.] 4. To subject, as an ore, alloy, or other metallic compound, to chemical or metallurgical examination, in order to determine the amount of a particular metal contained in it, or to ascertain its composition.
\As*say"\, v. i. To attempt, try, or endeavor. [Archaic. In this sense essay is now commonly used.] She thrice assayed to speak. --Dryden.

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