About The Word Expel

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Expel Meaning & Definition
Expel Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Expel?

[v] eliminate, as of bodily substances
[v] cause to flee
[v] remove from a position or office; "The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds"
[v] put out or expel from a place; "The child was expelled from the classroom"
[v] as from a country

Synonyms | Synonyms for Expel: boot out | boot out | chuck out | discharge | drum out | eject | eject | exclude | kick out | kick out | oust | release | rout | rout out | throw out | throw out | turf out | turn out

Related Terms | Find terms related to Expel: abrupt | abstract | alienate | assign | ban | banish | bar | belch | blackball | blow | blow off | blow out | boot | boot out | bounce | break | breathe | breathe hard | breathe in | breathe out | bump | bust | can | carry over | cashier | cast | cast forth | cast off | cast out | chuck | chuck out | clear | clear away | clear out | clear the decks | communicate | consign | cough | cut | cut adrift | cut off | cut out | debar | debouch | decant | deconsecrate | defenestrate | defrock | degrade | delete | deliver | demote | depart | deplume | deport | depose | deprive | dethrone | detrude | diffuse | disarticulate | disbar | discard | discharge | disconnect | discrown | disembogue | disemploy | disengage | disenthrone | disfellowship | disgorge | disjoin | disjoint | dislodge | dismiss | displace | displume | dispose of | dispossess | disseminate | dissociate | disunite | divide | divorce | drive out | drum out | ejaculate | eject | elide | eliminate | eradicate | eruct | erupt | estrange | evict | exclude | excommunicate | exhale | exhaust | exile | expatriate | expire | export | extradite | extravasate | extrude | fire | force out | fugitate | furlough | gasp | get quit of | get rid of | get shut of | give | give the ax | give the gate | give the hook | gulp | hack | hand forward | hand on | hand over | heave out | hiccup | huff | impart | import | inhale | inspire | irrupt | isolate | jet | jettison | junk | kick | kick downstairs | kick out | kick upstairs | lag | lay off | leave | let go | let out | liquidate | make over | make redundant | maroon | metastasize | metathesize | obtrude | ostracize | oust | outlaw | outpour | overthrow | pant | part | pass | pass on | pass over | pass the buck | pension | pension off | perfuse | pick out | pour | pour forth | pour out | proscribe | puff | pull away | pull back | pull out | purge | push out | put out | read out of | reject | relay | release | relegate | remove | remove from office | replace | respire | retire | root out | root up | rusticate | sack | segregate | send away | send down | send forth | send out | send to Coventry | separate | separate forcibly | sequester | set apart | set aside | show the door | shut off | sigh | sneeze | sniff | sniffle | snore | snort | snub | snuff | snuffle | spew | split | spout | spread | spurn | spurt | squirt | stand aloof | stand apart | stand aside | step aside | strike off | strike out | strip | strip of office | strip of rank | subtract | superannuate | surplus | suspend | switch | throw away | throw off | throw out | throw over | throw overboard | thrust out | toss out | transfer | transfer property | transfuse | translate | translocate | transmit | transplace | transplant | transport | transpose | turn off | turn out | turn over | unchurch | uncouple | unfrock | unsaddle | unseat | unthrone | unyoke | weed out | wheeze | withdraw

See Also | abort | ban | banish | bar | blackball | bleed | blow | bounce | breathe | bump | cast out | cough out | cough up | debar | defeat | deliver | deport | depose | dislodge | displace | displace | egest | ejaculate | eliminate | emit | eruct | evict | excommunicate | excrete | exile | exorcise | exorcize | expatriate | expectorate | extradite | fester | force out | force out | hemorrhage | maturate | move | move | ostracise | ostracize | overcome | ovulate | pass | pass off | relegate | remove | shed blood | shun | spew | spew out | spit out | spit up | suppurate | surrender | suspend

Expel In Webster's Dictionary

\Ex*pel"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Expelled}, p. pr. & vb. n.. {Expelling}.] [L. expellere, expulsum; ex out + pellere to drive: cf.F. expeller. See {Pulse} a beat.] 1. To drive or force out from that within which anything is contained, inclosed, or situated; to eject; as to expel air from a bellows. Did not ye . . . expel me out of my father's house? --Judg. xi. 7. 2. To drive away from one's country; to banish. Forewasted all their land, and them expelled. --Spenser. . He shall expel them from before you . . . and ye shall possess their land. --Josh. xxiii. 5. 3. To cut off from further connection with an institution of learning, a society, and the like; as, to expel a student or member. 4. To keep out, off, or away; to exclude. ``To expel the winter's flaw.'' --Shak. 5. To discharge; to shoot. [Obs.] Then he another and another [shaft] did expel. --Spenser. . Syn: To banish; exile; eject; drive out. See {Banish}.

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Crossword Dictionary