About The Word Export

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Learn about the word Export to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Export definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Export Meaning & Definition
Export Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Export?

[n] commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
[v] cause to spread in another part of the world; "The Russians exported Marxism to Africa"
[v] sell or transfer abroad; "we export less than we import and have a negative trade balance"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Export: exportation

Related Terms | Find terms related to Export: air-express | airfreight | airmail | assign | carry over | communicate | communication | conduction | consign | contagion | convection | deliver | delivery | deport | deportation | diapedesis | diffuse | diffusion | dispatch | disseminate | dissemination | drop a letter | embark | expedite | expel | exportation | exporting | express | expulsion | extradite | extradition | forward | freight | hand forward | hand on | hand over | impart | import | importation | interchange | mail | make over | metastasis | metastasize | metathesis | metathesize | metempsychosis | migration | mutual transfer | osmosis | pass | pass on | pass over | pass the buck | passage | passing over | perfuse | perfusion | post | relay | remit | send | send abroad | send away | send forth | send off | ship | spread | spreading | switch | transduction | transfer | transfer of property | transfer property | transference | transfuse | transfusion | transit | transition | translate | translation | translocate | translocation | transmigration | transmigration of souls | transmission | transmit | transmittal | transmittance | transplace | transplacement | transplant | transplantation | transposal | transpose | transposition | travel | turn over

See Also | commodity | distribute | goods | merchandise | smuggle | spread | trade | trade goods

Export In Webster's Dictionary

\Ex*port"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Exported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Exporting}.] [L. exportare, exportatum; ex out+portare to carry : cf. F. exporter. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To carry away; to remove. [Obs.] [They] export honor from a man, and make him a return in envy. --Bacon. 2. To carry or send abroad, or out of a country, especially to foreign countries, as merchandise or commodities in the way of commerce; -- the opposite of import; as, to export grain, cotton, cattle, goods, etc.
\Ex"port\, n. 1. The act of exporting; exportation; as, to prohibit the export of wheat or tobacco. 2. That which is exported; a commodity conveyed from one country or State to another in the way of traffic; -- used chiefly in the plural, exports. The ordinary course of exchange . . . between two places must likewise be an indication of the ordinary course of their exports and imports. --A. Smith.

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