About The Word Metathesis

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Learn about the word Metathesis to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Metathesis definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Metathesis Meaning & Definition
Metathesis Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Metathesis?

[n] a chemical reaction between two compounds in which parts of each are interchanged to form two new compounds (AB+CD=AD+CB)
[n] a linguistic process of transposition of sounds or syllables within a word or words within a sentence

Synonyms | Synonyms for Metathesis: double decomposition | double decomposition reaction

Related Terms | Find terms related to Metathesis:

See Also | chemical reaction | double replacement reaction | linguistic process | reaction

Metathesis In Webster's Dictionary

\Me*tath"e*sis\, n.; pl. {Metatheses}. [L., fr. Gr. meta`thesis, fr. metatithe`nai to place differently, to transpose; meta` beyond, over + tithe`nai to place, set. See {Thesis}.] 1. (Gram.) Transposition, as of the letters or syllables of a word; as, pistris for pristis; meagre for meager. 2. (Med.) A mere change in place of a morbid substance, without removal from the body. 3. (Chem.) The act, process, or result of exchange, substitution, or replacement of atoms and radicals; thus, by metathesis an acid gives up all or part of its hydrogen, takes on an equivalent amount of a metal or base, and forms a salt.

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