About The Word Mislead

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Mislead to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mislead definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mislead Meaning & Definition
Mislead Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mislead?

[v] give false or misleading information to
[v] lead someone in the wrong direction

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mislead: lead astray | misguide | misinform

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mislead: abuse | bamboozle | be untruthful | beguile | betray | bluff | bowl a googly | bunk | con | corrupt | cozen | debauch | deceive | defile | deflower | delude | despoil | double-cross | draw the longbow | dupe | entice | equivocate | exaggerate | falsify | fib | flimflam | fool | force | gull | hoodwink | humbug | inveigle | juggle | lead astray | lie | lie flatly | lure | misadvise | misdirect | miseducate | misguide | misinform | misinstruct | misteach | mystify | obfuscate | obscure | outwit | pervert | prevaricate | rape | ravage | ravish | ruin | seduce | soil | speak falsely | story | stretch the truth | sully | take | take in | tell a lie | tempt | throw a curve | trick | violate

See Also | amplify | betray | conduct | deceive | direct | equivocate | exaggerate | guide | hyerbolise | hyperbolize | inform | lead | lead astray | lie | magnify | overdraw | overstate | palter | prevaricate | sandbag | take | tergiversate

Mislead In Webster's Dictionary

\Mis*lead"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Misled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Misleading}.] [AS. misl?dan. See {Mis-}, and {Lead} to conduct.] To lead into a wrong way or path; to lead astray; to guide into error; to cause to mistake; to deceive. Trust not servants who mislead or misinform you. --Bacon. To give due light To the mislead and lonely traveler. --Milton. Syn: To delude; deceive. See {Deceive}.

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