About The Word Squeeze

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Learn about the word Squeeze to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Squeeze definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Squeeze Meaning & Definition
Squeeze Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Squeeze?

[n] the act of gripping and pressing firmly; "he gave her cheek a playful squeeze"
[n] an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power
[n] a twisting squeeze; "gave the wet cloth a wring"
[v] press firmly; "He squeezed my hand"
[v] squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the muscle contracted"
[v] hug, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"
[v] squeeze tightly between the fingers; "He pinched her behind"; "She squeezed the bottle"
[v] squeeze like a wedge into a tight space; "I squeezed myself into the corner"
[v] to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
[v] press or force; "Stuff money into an envelope"; "She thrust the letter into his hand"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Squeeze: bosom | compact | compress | constrict | contract | crush | embrace | force | hug | mash | nip | pinch | power play | press | shove | squash | squeeze play | squeezing | squelch | stuff | thrust | tweet | twinge | twitch | wedge | wring

Related Terms | Find terms related to Squeeze:

See Also | astringe | attempt | bear down | choke | clasp | clench | compressing | compression | constriction | convulse | cuddle | displace | effort | eject | endeavor | endeavour | expression | expulsion | extrude | extrusion | force | force out | fret | gag | grip | impact | interlock | lock | motion | move | movement | overbear | pack together | pinch | prim | push | scrag | squeeze out | squirt | stamp | steamroller | strangle | strangulate | telescope | tighten | tread | try | tweak | tweak | wring | wring out

Squeeze In Webster's Dictionary

\Squeeze\, n. 1. (Mining) The gradual closing of workings by the weight of the overlying strata. 2. Pressure or constraint used to force the making of a gift, concession, or the like; exaction; extortion. [Colloq.] One of the many ``squeezes'' imposed by the mandarins. --A. R. Colquhoun.
\Squeeze\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Squeezed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Squeezing}.] [OE. queisen, AS. cw[=e]san, cw[=y]san, cw[=i]san, of uncertain origin. The s- was probably prefixed through the influence of squash, v.t.] 1. To press between two bodies; to press together closely; to compress; often, to compress so as to expel juice, moisture, etc.; as, to squeeze an orange with the fingers; to squeeze the hand in friendship. 2. Fig.: To oppress with hardships, burdens, or taxes; to harass; to crush. In a civil war, people must expect to be crushed and squeezed toward the burden. --L'Estrange. 3. To force, or cause to pass, by compression; often with out, through, etc.; as, to squeeze water through felt. Syn: To compress; hug; pinch; gripe; crowd.
\Squeeze\, v. i. To press; to urge one's way, or to pass, by pressing; to crowd; -- often with through, into, etc.; as, to squeeze hard to get through a crowd.
\Squeeze\, n. 1. The act of one who squeezes; compression between bodies; pressure. 2. A facsimile impression taken in some soft substance, as pulp, from an inscription on stone.

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