Learn about the word Fallacy to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fallacy definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.
Fallacy Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Fallacy?
[n] a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
Synonyms | Synonyms for Fallacy: false belief
Related Terms | Find terms related to Fallacy: aberrancy |
aberration |
Albigensianism |
antinomianism |
apparent soundness |
argument |
argument by analogy |
argumentum ad baculum |
argumentum ad captandum |
argumentum ad hominem |
Arianism |
bad case |
bamboozlement |
befooling |
begging the question |
bluffing |
calculated deception |
casuistry |
Catharism |
circular argument |
circularity |
circumvention |
claptrap |
conning |
crowd-pleasing argument |
deceiving |
deception |
deceptiveness |
defectiveness |
defrauding |
delusion |
delusiveness |
deviancy |
disingenuousness |
distortion |
dupery |
Ebionitism |
elusion |
emanatism |
empty words |
enmeshment |
ensnarement |
entanglement |
entrapment |
equivocalness |
equivocation |
Erastianism |
errancy |
erroneousness |
error |
evasion |
evasive reasoning |
fallaciousness |
false doctrine |
falsehood |
falseness |
falsity |
fault |
faultiness |
flaw |
flawedness |
flimflam |
flimflammery |
fond illusion |
fooling |
formal fallacy |
Gnosticism |
hallucination |
hamartia |
heresy |
heterodoxy |
hoodwinking |
hylotheism |
hysteron proteron |
illusion |
inconsistency |
insincere argument |
insincerity |
inveracity |
jesuitism |
jesuitry |
Jovinianism |
kidding |
logical fallacy |
Lollardy |
Manichaeanism |
Manichaeism |
material fallacy |
mere rhetoric |
mirage |
misapplication |
misbelief |
miscalculation |
misconception |
misconstruction |
misdoing |
misfeasance |
misinterpretation |
misjudgment |
mistake |
misunderstanding |
Monophysism |
Monophysitism |
moonshine |
mystification |
non sequitur |
obfuscation |
obscurantism |
outwitting |
overreaching |
oversubtlety |
pantheism |
paralogism |
peccancy |
Pelagianism |
perversion |
petitio principii |
phantasm |
philosophism |
plausibility |
plausibleness |
pseudosyllogism |
putting on |
quibble |
rationalization |
self-contradiction |
self-deception |
sin |
sinfulness |
snow job |
solecism |
song and dance |
sophism |
sophistical reasoning |
sophistication |
sophistry |
special pleading |
speciosity |
specious reasoning |
speciousness |
spoofery |
spoofing |
spuriousness |
subterfuge |
subtlety |
swindling |
trickiness |
tricking |
truthlessness |
unorthodoxy |
untrueness |
untruth |
untruthfulness |
verbal fallacy |
vicious circle |
vicious reasoning |
victimization |
vision |
Waldensianism |
weak point |
willful misconception |
wishful thinking |
wrong |
wrongness |
See Also | logical fallacy |
misconception |
paralogism |
pathetic fallacy |
pseudoscience |
sophism |
sophistication |
Fallacy In Webster's Dictionary
\Fal"la*cy\, n.; pl. {Fallacies}. [OE. fallace, fallas,
deception, F. fallace, fr. L. fallacia, fr. fallax deceitful,
deceptive, fr. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}.]
1. Deceptive or false appearance; deceitfulness; that which
misleads the eye or the mind; deception.
Winning by conquest what the first man lost, By
fallacy surprised. --Milton.
2. (Logic) An argument, or apparent argument, which professes
to be decisive of the matter at issue, while in reality it
is not; a sophism.
Syn: Deception; deceit; mistake.
Usage: {Fallacy}, {Sophistry}. A fallacy is an argument which
professes to be decisive, but in reality is not;
sophistry is also false reasoning, but of so specious
and subtle a kind as to render it difficult to expose
its fallacy. Many fallacies are obvious, but the evil
of sophistry lies in its consummate art. ``Men are apt
to suffer their minds to be misled by fallacies which
gratify their passions. Many persons have obscured and
confounded the nature of things by their wretched
sophistry; though an act be never so sinful, they will
strip it of its guilt.'' --South.
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