About The Word Cutting

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Cutting Meaning & Definition
Cutting Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Cutting?

[n] the act of shortening something by cutting off the ends; "the barber gave him a good cut"
[n] the act of diluting something; "the cutting of whiskey with water"; "the thinning of paint with turpentine"
[n] the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"
[n] the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"
[n] the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "his cutting the cards before every deal soon became a ritual"
[n] cutting away parts to create a desired shape
[n] the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film
[n] an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; "he searched through piles of letters and clippings"
[n] a piece cut off from the main part of something
[n] a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
[adj] suitable for cutting or severing; "a cutting tool"; "the cutting edge"
[adj] as physically painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain"
[adj] unpleasantly cold and damp; "bleak winds of the North Atlantic"
[adj] (of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character; "cutting remarks"; "edged satire"; "a stinging comment"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Cutting: bleak | carving | clipping | cold | cut | cutting off | edged | film editing | keen | knifelike | lancinate | lancinating | newspaper clipping | piercing | press clipping | press cutting | raw | sharp | slip | stabbing | stinging | thinning | unkind

Related Terms | Find terms related to Cutting: abbreviation | abscission | accidence | acerb | acerbate | acerbic | acid | acidic | acidulent | acidulous | acrid | acrimonious | acute | adulteration | affix | affixation | algid | allomorph | amphibian | amputation | ana | analects | angiosperm | annual | anthology | apocope | aposiopesis | apportionment | appositive | aquatic plant | arctic | asperous | astringent | attribute | attributive | attrition | bastardizing | below zero | biennial | bit | biting | bitter | bitterly cold | bleak | boreal | bound morpheme | brisk | brumal | budgeting | butchering | butt | caustic | chill | chip | chopping | chunk | clear-cut | cleavage | clip | clipping | clippings | cold | cold as charity | cold as death | cold as ice | cold as marble | collectanea | collection | collop | complement | conjugation | construction modifier | contamination | contemptuous | contraction | corroding | corrosive | corruption | cosmopolite | crasis | crisp | crop | crumb | curtailment | cut | cutting the pie | cuttings | debasement | deciduous plant | declension | decrease | decrement | deep structure | depletion | depreciation | derivation | derogation | detraction | dichotomy | dicot | dicotyledon | difference of form | diluent | dilution | diminution | dip | direct object | disparagement | dissolvent | dividing | division | divvy | doctoring | dollop | double-edged | drastic | driving | edged | effective | elision | ellipsis | enclitic | end | enucleation | ephemeral | escharotic | evergreen | excerpta | excerpts | excessive | excision | exorbitant | exotic | extraction | extracts | extravagant | extreme | featheredged | fierce | filler | fine | fission | florilegium | flowering plant | flowers | forceful | forcible | formative | form-function unit | fortifying | fragment | fragments | free form | freezing | freezing cold | frigid | function | fungus | furious | gametophyte | gathering | gelid | glacial | gleaning | gleanings | gob | gobbet | great | gutsy | gymnosperm | harsh | harvest | harvesting | hibernal | hiemal | hunk | hydrophyte | hyperborean | IC analysis | ice-cold | ice-encrusted | icelike | icy | immediate constituent analysis | immoderate | impairment | imperative | impressive | incisive | inclement | indirect object | infix | infixation | inflection | ingoing | intemperate | intense | invidious | irritating | keen | keen-edged | knifelike | laceration | lacing | lessening | levels | lump | malevolent | malicious | miscellanea | miscellany | modicum | modifier | moiety | monocot | monocotyl | mordacious | mordant | morph | morpheme | morphemic analysis | morphemics | morphology | morphophonemics | morsel | mutilation | nervous | nipping | nippy | nose-tickling | numbing | nutting | object | outrageous | paradigm | parceling | paring | particle | partition | partitioning | penetrating | perennial | phrase structure | piece | piercing | pinching | piquant | plant | poignant | pollution | polycot | polycotyl | polycotyledon | portioning | powerful | predicate | prefix | prefixation | probing | proclitic | pruning | punchy | pungent | qualifier | radical | ranks | rasher | rationing | raw | razor-edged | reaping | reduction | remission | rending | repartition | resection | resolutive | resolvent | retraction | retrenchment | rigorous | ripping | root | rough | sarcastic | sardonic | scathing | scion | scission | scoop | scorching | scornful | scrap | section | seed plant | seedling | sensational | set | severance | severe | shallow structure | shard | sharing | sharing out | sharp | shaving | shiver | shortening | shred | shrinkage | Siberian | sinewed | sinewy | slashing | sleety | slice | slicing | slip | sliver | slot | slot and filler | slushy | smithereen | snack | snappy | snatch | sneering | snip | snippet | solvent | sour | spermatophyte | spiking | splinter | splitting | sporophyte | stabbing | stem | stern | stinging | stitch | stone-cold | strata | strident | stringent | strong | structure | stump | subject | subzero | suffix | suffixation | supercooled | surface structure | surgery | syncope | syneresis | syntactic analysis | syntactic structure | syntactics | syntax | tagmeme | tart | tatter | tearing | telling | thallophyte | theme | thinning | tough | trenchant | triennial | truncation | two-edged | unconscionable | underlying structure | vascular plant | vegetable | vehement | venomous | vicious | vigorous | violent | virulent | vital | vitriolic | watering | weed | winterbound | winterlike | wintery | wintry | withering | word arrangement | word order | word-formation | wounding

See Also | card game | cards | clip | clipping | creating by removal | dilution | dissection | division | excerpt | extract | gash | haircut | incision | nick | notch | opening | part | piece | pruning | quickset | scission | section | selection | severance | severing | shearing | shortening | slash | slicing | snick | snip | stalk | stem | surgical incision | trim | trimming | truncation

Cutting In Webster's Dictionary

\Cut"ting\ (k[u^]t"t[i^]ng), n. 1. The act or process of making an incision, or of severing, felling, shaping, etc. 2. Something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig or scion cut off from a stock for the purpose of grafting or of rooting as an independent plant; something cut out of a newspaper; an excavation cut through a hill or elsewhere to make a way for a railroad, canal, etc.; a cut.
\Cut"ting\, a. 1. Adapted to cut; as, a cutting tool. 2. Chilling; penetrating; sharp; as, a cutting wind. 3. Severe; sarcastic; biting; as, a cutting reply.

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