About The Word Piercing

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Piercing to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Piercing definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Piercing Meaning & Definition
Piercing Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Piercing?

[adj] loud and sharp; "the piercing shriek of sirens"
[adj] suitable for cutting or piercing; "incisive teeth"; "the piercing needle"
[adj] as physically painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain"
[adj] high-pitched and sharp; "piercing screams"; "a shrill whistle"
[adj] having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Piercing: acute | cacophonic | cacophonous | cutting | discriminating | high | high-pitched | incisive | keen | knifelike | lancinate | lancinating | penetrating | penetrative | perceptive | sharp | shrill | stabbing

Related Terms | Find terms related to Piercing: absorbing | acerb | acerbate | acerbic | acid | acidic | acidulent | acidulous | acrid | acrimonious | acupunctuation | acupuncture | acute | afflictive | agonizing | algid | apperceptive | appercipient | arctic | argute | arresting | asperous | astringent | astute | atrocious | bayonetting | below zero | biting | bitter | bitterly cold | blaring | bleak | booming | bore | boreal | boring | brisk | broach | brumal | caustic | chilling | cogent | cold | cold as charity | cold as death | cold as ice | cold as marble | corroding | corrosive | cramping | creaky | crisp | cruel | cutting | deafening | deep | deep-felt | deepgoing | discerning | distressing | double-edged | drastic | drill hole | driving | ear-piercing | ear-rending | earsplitting | ear-splitting | earthshaking | edged | effective | empiercement | enthralling | entrancing | escharotic | excessive | excruciating | exorbitant | exquisite | extravagant | extreme | farseeing | farsighted | fascinating | fierce | fixing | forceful | forcible | foreseeing | foresighted | forethoughted | forethoughtful | forte | fortissimo | freezing | freezing cold | frigid | frosty | full | furious | gelid | glacial | gnawing | goring | grave | great | griping | gripping | gutsy | hard | harrowing | harsh | heartfelt | hibernal | hiemal | high | high-pitched | homefelt | howling | hurtful | hurting | hyperborean | ice-cold | ice-encrusted | icelike | icy | immoderate | impalement | imperative | impressive | incisive | inclement | indelible | intemperate | intense | irritating | keen | keening | knifelike | knifing | lancing | longheaded | longsighted | loud | loudish | loud-sounding | mordacious | mordant | nervous | nipping | nippy | nose-tickling | numbing | outrageous | painful | paroxysmal | pealing | penetrating | penetration | perceptive | percipient | perforation | perspicacious | perspicuous | pervading | pinching | piping | piquant | plangent | poignant | powerful | pricking | probing | profound | provident | punching | punchy | puncture | puncturing | pungent | racking | raw | reedy | reeking | resounding | rigorous | ringing | roaring | rough | sagacious | scathing | scorching | screaky | screaming | screeching | screechy | searching | sensational | severe | sharp | shooting | shrieking | shrieky | shrill | Siberian | sinewed | sinewy | skewering | slashing | sleety | slushy | snappy | sonorous | sour | spasmatic | spasmic | spasmodic | spellbinding | splitting | squeaking | squeaky | stabbing | stentoraphonic | stentorian | stentorious | stinging | stone-cold | strident | striking | stringent | strong | subzero | supercooled | tart | telling | terebration | the sword | thin | thundering | thunderous | tonitruant | tonitruous | tormenting | torturous | tough | transfixation | transfixion | transforation | treble | trenchant | trepanning | trephining | ululant | unconscionable | understanding | vehement | venomous | vigorous | violent | virulent | vital | vitriolic | wailing | whining | whistling | window-rattling | winterbound | winterlike | wintery | wintry | withering

See Also |

Piercing In Webster's Dictionary

\Pier"cing\, a. Forcibly entering, or adapted to enter, at or by a point; perforating; penetrating; keen; -- used also figuratively; as, a piercing instrument, or thrust. ``Piercing eloquence.'' --Shak. -- {Pier"cing*ly}, adv. -- {Pier"cing*ness}, n.

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