About The Word Astringent

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Astringent Meaning & Definition
Astringent Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Astringent?

[n] a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
[adj] tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue; "astringent cosmetic lotions"
[adj] sour or bitter in taste

Synonyms | Synonyms for Astringent: acerb | acerbic | astringent drug | hemostatic | sharp | sour | styptic | styptic

Related Terms | Find terms related to Astringent: acerb | acerbic | acid | acidulous | acrid | acrimonious | alum | amaroidal | ascetic | asperous | austere | authoritarian | biting | bitter | bitter as gall | brisk | caustic | clamp | coarse | collapsible | compactable | compressible | compressor | constrictor | constringent | consumptive | contractible | contractile | contractional | contractive | contractor | cutting | deflationary | demanding | double-edged | dour | edged | escharotic | exacting | exigent | fierce | foldable | grim | hard | harsh | incisive | inclement | irritating | keen | meticulous | mordacious | mordant | mortified | nose-tickling | penetrating | piercing | pincer | piquant | poignant | puckery | pungent | restorative | rigorous | roborant | rough | rugged | scathing | severe | sharp | sour | Spartan | Spartanic | stabbing | stern | stinging | strict | strident | stringent | styptic | styptic pencil | tart | tough | trenchant | ungentle | unsparing | vehement | violent | virulent | vise | vitriolic

See Also | alum | medicament | medication | medicinal drug | medicine

Astringent In Webster's Dictionary

\As*trin"gent\ (-jent), a. [L. astringens, p. pr. of astringere: cf. F. astringent. See {Astringe}.] 1. Drawing together the tissues; binding; contracting; -- opposed to {laxative}; as, astringent medicines; a butter and astringent taste; astringent fruit. 2. Stern; austere; as, an astringent type of virtue.
\As*trin"gent\, n. A medicine or other substance that produces contraction in the soft organic textures, and checks discharges of blood, mucus, etc. External astringents are called styptics. --Dunglison.

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