About The Word Invidious

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Learn about the word Invidious to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Invidious definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Invidious Meaning & Definition
Invidious Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Invidious?

[adj] containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice; "discriminatory attitudes and practices"; "invidious comparisons"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Invidious: discriminatory | unfavorable | unfavourable

Related Terms | Find terms related to Invidious: abhorrent | abominable | baleful | begrudging | bitchy | bitter | calumnious | covetous | cussed | defamatory | desirous of | detestable | detracting | detractory | distrustful | envious | envying | green | green with envy | green with jealousy | green-eyed | grudging | harmful | hateful | horn-mad | iniquitous | jaundiced | jaundice-eyed | jealous | malefic | maleficent | malicious | malign | malignant | maligning | mean | nasty | noxious | obnoxious | odious | ornery | repellent | revulsive | scandalous | slanderous | suspicious | vilifying | wicked | yellow | yellow-eyed

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Invidious In Webster's Dictionary

\In*vid"i*ous\, a. [L. invidiosus, fr. invidia envy. See {Envy}, and cf. {Envious}.] 1. Envious; malignant. [Obs.] --Evelyn. 2. Worthy of envy; desirable; enviable. [Obs.] Such a person appeareth in a far more honorable and invidious state than any prosperous man. --Barrow. 3. Likely to incur or produce ill will, or to provoke envy; hateful; as, invidious distinctions. Agamemnon found it an invidious affair to give the preference to any one of the Grecian heroes. --Broome. -- {In*vid"i*ous*ly}, adv. -- {In*vid"i*ous*ness}, n.

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