About The Word Alluvium

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Learn about the word Alluvium to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Alluvium definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Alluvium Meaning & Definition
Alluvium Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Alluvium?

[n] clay or slit or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down

Synonyms | Synonyms for Alluvium: alluvial deposit | alluvial sediment | alluvion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Alluvium: acres | alluvion | arable land | ash | cataclysm | cinder | clay | clinker | clod | crust | debris | deluge | deposit | deposition | deposits | detritus | diluvium | dirt | draff | dregs | drift | dross | dry land | dust | earth | ember | engulfment | feces | flood | freehold | froth | glebe | grassland | ground | grounds | inundation | land | landholdings | lees | lithosphere | loess | marginal land | marl | mold | moraine | offscum | overflow | overflowing | overrunning | precipitate | precipitation | real estate | real property | region | regolith | scoria | scree | scum | sediment | settlings | silt | sinter | slag | smut | sod | soil | soot | spill | spillage | subaerial deposit | sublimate | submersion | subsoil | terra | terra firma | terrain | territory | the country | the Deluge | the Flood | topsoil | washout | whelming | woodland

See Also | alluvial soil | deposit | placer | sediment

Alluvium In Webster's Dictionary

\Al*lu"vi*um\, n.; pl. E. {Alluviums}, L. {Alluvia}. [L., neut. of alluvius. See {Alluvious}.] (Geol.) Deposits of earth, sand, gravel, and other transported matter, made by rivers, floods, or other causes, upon land not permanently submerged beneath the waters of lakes or seas. --Lyell.

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