About The Word Brand

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Brand Meaning & Definition
Brand Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Brand?

[n] a cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade
[n] a recognizable kind; "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what make of car is that?"
[n] a symbol of disgrace or infamy; "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis
[n] identification mark on skin, made by burning
[n] a name given to a product or service
[n] a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
[v] mark or expose as infamous; "She was branded a loose woman"
[v] to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful; "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"
[v] burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals

Synonyms | Synonyms for Brand: blade | brand name | denounce | firebrand | make | mark | mark | marque | post | stain | steel | stigma | stigmatise | stigmatize | sword | trade name

Related Terms | Find terms related to Brand: acid | actual cautery | aroma | ash | ashes | aspersion | attaint | attribute | badge | badge of infamy | bar sinister | baton | bedaub | bend sinister | besmear | besmirch | besmoke | bespatter | bestain | billhead | birthmark | black eye | black mark | blacken | blaze | blaze a trail | blemish | blister | blood | bloodstain | blot | blotch | blow upon | blur | body-build | book stamp | bookplate | brand iron | branding iron | breed | broad arrow | burn | burn in | burn off | burning ember | butane lighter | cachet | calx | carbon | cast | caste mark | caustic | cauter | cauterant | cauterize | cauterizer | cautery | censure | chalk | chalk up | champain | char | character | characteristic | characteristics | characterize | charcoal | check | check off | checkmark | cicatrix | cicatrize | cigarette lighter | cinder | clan | clinker | coal | coke | colophon | color | complexion | composition | configuration | constituents | constitution | coom | corrosive | counterfoil | countermark | crack | crasis | cupel | cut | dab | dapple | darken | daub | defame | defile | define | delimit | demarcate | denomination | description | designation | dharma | diathesis | differentia | differential | dirty | disapprove | discolor | discoloration | discredit | disgrace | disparage | disparagement | disposition | distinctive feature | docket | dot | dross | earmark | electrocautery | ember | engrave | engraving | escharotic | ethos | expose | expose to infamy | eyesore | feather | feature | fiber | figure | firebrand | flambeau | flame | flavor | fleck | flick | flint | flint and steel | flyspeck | form | found | frame | freckle | fume | gash | genius | genre | genus | gibbet | government mark | government stamp | grain | graving | gust | habit | hack | hallmark | hang in effigy | hatch | hot iron | hue | humor | humors | identify | idiocrasy | idiosyncrasy | igniter | ilk | impress | impression | imprint | imputation | index | individualism | jot | keynote | kidney | kin | kind | label | lava | lentigo | letterhead | light | lighter | line | lineaments | live coal | logo | logotype | lot | lunar caustic | macula | maculation | macule | make | make a mark | maker | makeup | manner | mannerism | manufacturer | mark | mark of Cain | mark off | mark out | marking | masthead | mat burn | mold | mole | mordant | mottle | moxa | nature | nevus | nick | notch | number | odium | odor | onus | oxidate | oxidize | parch | particularity | patch | peculiarity | pencil | pepper | persuasion | phylum | physique | pillory | pillorying | plate | point | point champain | polka dot | portfire | potential cautery | price tag | prick | print | property | punch | punctuate | puncture | pyrolyze | quality | quirk | race | radium | reek | reflection | registered trademark | reprimand | reproach | riddle | running head | running title | savor | scald | scar | scarification | scarify | scorch | score | scoria | scotch | scratch | scratching | seal | seam | sear | second-degree burn | shape | sigil | signet | singe | singularity | slag | slubber | slur | smack | smear | smirch | smoke | smouch | smudge | smut | smutch | soil | solder | somatotype | soot | sort | sparker | spatter | specialty | species | speck | speckle | spill | spirit | splash | splatter | splotch | spot | stain | stamp | sticker | stigma | stigmatism | stigmatization | stigmatize | strain | strawberry mark | streak | striate | stripe | stub | style | suchness | sullage | sully | sunburn | sunscald | swinge | system | tab | tag | taint | tally | tang | taper | tarnish | taste | tattoo | tattoo mark | temper | temperament | tendency | tenor | the like of | the likes of | third-degree burn | tick | tick off | ticket | title page | tittle | token | tone | torch | torrefy | trace | trade name | trademark | trademark name | trait | tribe | trick | type | underline | underscore | variety | vein | vesicate | vilify | vulcanize | watermark | way | weld | windburn

See Also | arm | backsword | bar sinister | bend sinister | broadsword | call | cavalry sword | cloven foot | cloven hoof | cutlas | cutlass | demerit | Excalibur | falchion | fencing sword | firewood | foible | form | forte | haft | helve | hilt | kind | label | label | marker | marking | name | peak | point | rapier | recording label | saber | sabre | sort | symbol | tip | variety | weapon | weapon system

Brand In Webster's Dictionary

\Brand\, n. [OE. brand, brond, AS. brand brond brand, sword, from byrnan, beornan, to burn; akin to D., Dan., Sw., & G. brand brand, Icel. brandr a brand, blade of a sword. [root]32. See {Burn}, v. t., and cf. {Brandish}.] 1. A burning piece of wood; or a stick or piece of wood partly burnt, whether burning or after the fire is extinct. Snatching a live brand from a wigwam, Mason threw it on a matted roof. --Palfrey. 2. A sword, so called from its glittering or flashing brightness. [Poetic] --Tennyson. Paradise, so late their happy seat, Waved over by that flaming brand. --Milton. 3. A mark made by burning with a hot iron, as upon a cask, to designate the quality, manufacturer, etc., of the contents, or upon an animal, to designate ownership; -- also, a mark for a similar purpose made in any other way, as with a stencil. Hence, figurately: Quality; kind; grade; as, a good brand of flour. 4. A mark put upon criminals with a hot iron. Hence: Any mark of infamy or vice; a stigma. The brand of private vice. --Channing. 5. An instrument to brand with; a branding iron. 6. (Bot.) Any minute fungus which produces a burnt appearance in plants. The brands are of many species and several genera of the order {Puccini[ae]i}.
\Brand\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Branded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Branding}.]. 1. To burn a distinctive mark into or upon with a hot iron, to indicate quality, ownership, etc., or to mark as infamous (as a convict). 2. To put an actual distinctive mark upon in any other way, as with a stencil, to show quality of contents, name of manufacture, etc. 3. Fig.: To fix a mark of infamy, or a stigma, upon. The Inquisition branded its victims with infamy. --Prescott. There were the enormities, branded and condemned by the first and most natural verdict of common humanity. --South. 4. To mark or impress indelibly, as with a hot iron. As if it were branded on my mind. --Geo. Eliot.

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