About The Word Aspersion

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Learn about the word Aspersion to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Aspersion definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Aspersion Meaning & Definition
Aspersion Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Aspersion?

[n] the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
[n] an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
[n] a disparaging remark

Synonyms | Synonyms for Aspersion: calumny | defamation | denigration | slander | slur | sprinkling

Related Terms | Find terms related to Aspersion: abuse | adverse criticism | affront | affusion | agape | allegation | animadversion | aspergation | asperges | atrocity | auricular confession | backbiting | bad notices | bad press | baptism | baptismal gown | baptismal regeneration | baptistery | baptizement | bar mitzvah | bas mitzvah | brickbat | calumny | captiousness | carping | cavil | caviling | celebration | censoriousness | chrismal | christening | circumcision | confession | confirmation | contempt | contumely | criticism | cut | defamation | despite | detraction | disparagement | dump | enormity | exception | faultfinding | flak | flout | flouting | font | gibe | hairsplitting | high celebration | hit | home thrust | hostile criticism | humiliation | hypercriticalness | hypercriticism | immersion | imputation | incense | indignity | infusion | injury | innuendo | insinuation | insult | invective | invocation | invocation of saints | jeer | jeering | kiss of peace | knock | lampoon | lesser litany | libel | litany | love feast | lustration | mock | mockery | muck | nagging | niggle | niggling | nit | nit-picking | obloquy | offense | outrage | overcriticalness | pasquinade | pax | personal remark | personality | pestering | pettifogging | priggishness | processional | put-down | quibble | quibbling | rap | reciting the rosary | reflection | reproachfulness | scandal | scoff | scurrility | skit | slam | slander | slur | sly suggestion | sprinkling | squib | stricture | suggestion | swipe | taking exception | taunt | telling of beads | the confessional | the confessionary | total immersion | trichoschistism | uncomplimentary remark | vituperation | whispering campaign

See Also | attack | baptism | depreciation | derogation | disparagement

Aspersion In Webster's Dictionary

\As*per"sion\, n. [L. aspersio, fr. aspergere: cf. F. aspersion.] 1. A sprinkling, as with water or dust, in a literal sense. Behold an immersion, not and aspersion. --Jer. Taylor. 2. The spreading of calumniations reports or charges which tarnish reputation, like the bespattering of a body with foul water; calumny. Every candid critic would be ashamed to cast wholesale aspersions on the entire body of professional teachers. --Grote. Who would by base aspersions blot thy virtue. --Dryden.

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