About The Word Candid

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Candid Meaning & Definition
Candid Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Candid?

[adj] characterized by disconcerting directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation"
[adj] starkly realistic; "I have never lacked candid critics in my own ranks"-Clement Atlee
[adj] openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"
[adj] informal or natural; especially caught off guard or unprepared; "a candid photograph"; "a candid interview"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Candid: artless | blunt | direct | forthright | frank | free-spoken | ingenuous | open | outspoken | plainspoken | point-blank | uncontrived | unflattering | unstudied

Related Terms | Find terms related to Candid: aboveboard | accessible | all jaw | approachable | artless | ascetic | austere | authentic | bald | bare | bluff | blunt | bona fide | born yesterday | broad | brusque | card-carrying | chatty | childlike | common | commonplace | communicative | confiding | conversable | conversational | demonstrative | detached | dinkum | direct | disinterested | dispassionate | downright | dry | dull | effusive | equal | equitable | expansive | explicit | extroverted | fair | flip | fluent | following the letter | forthright | frank | frankhearted | free | free hand | free-acting | free-going | freehanded | free-moving | free-speaking | free-spoken | free-tongued | gabby | garrulous | gassy | genuine | glib | good | gossipy | gregarious | guileless | gushy | heart-to-heart | homely | homespun | honest | honest-to-God | impartial | impersonal | impromptu | inartificial | informal | ingenu | ingenuous | innocent | just | lawful | lean | legitimate | lifelike | literal | lofty | long-winded | loquacious | matter-of-fact | multiloquent | multiloquious | naive | native | natural | naturalistic | neat | neutral | newsy | objective | Olympian | open | openhearted | original | outgoing | outspoken | overtalkative | plain | plain-speaking | plain-spoken | prolix | prosaic | prosing | prosy | pure | real | realistic | rightful | round | rustic | scrupulous | selfless | self-revealing | self-revelatory | severe | simon-pure | simple | simplehearted | simpleminded | simple-speaking | sincere | single-hearted | single-minded | smooth | sober | sociable | spare | Spartan | stark | sterling | straight | straightforward | straight-out | sure-enough | talkative | talky | transparent | true to life | true to nature | true to reality | trustful | trusting | truthful | unadorned | unadulterated | unaffected | unartificial | unassumed | unassuming | unbiased | unbigoted | uncalculated | uncalculating | unchecked | uncolored | unconcealed | unconcocted | unconstrained | uncontrived | uncopied | uncounterfeited | undeceitful | undeceiving | undisguised | undisguising | undissembled | undissembling | undistorted | unequivocal | unexaggerated | unfabricated | unfanciful | unfeigned | unfeigning | unfictitious | unflattering | unguarded | unhampered | unimaginative | unimagined | unimitated | uninfluenced | uninvented | unpoetical | unprejudiced | unpremeditated | unpretended | unpretending | unpretentious | unqualified | unrepressed | unreserved | unrestrained | unrestricted | unreticent | unromantic | unsecretive | unselfish | unshrinking | unsilent | unsimulated | unsophisticated | unspecious | unsuppressed | unsuspicious | unswayed | unsynthetic | unvarnished | unwary | upright | verbal | verbatim | verbose | veridical | verisimilar | voluble | windy | word-for-word

See Also |

Candid In Webster's Dictionary

\Can*did\ (k[a^]n"d[i^]d), a. [F. candide (cf. It. candido), L. candidus white, fr. cand[=e]re to be of a glowing white; akin to accend[e^]re, incend[e^]re, to set on fire, Skr. chand to shine. Cf. {Candle}, {Incense}.] 1. White. [Obs.] The box receives all black; but poured from thence, The stones came candid forth, the hue of innocence. --Dryden. 2. Free from undue bias; disposed to think and judge according to truth and justice, or without partiality or prejudice; fair; just; impartial; as, a candid opinion. ``Candid and dispassionate men.'' --W. Irving. 3. Open; frank; ingenuous; outspoken. Syn: Fair; open; ingenuous; impartial; just; frank; artless; unbiased; equitable. Usage: {Candid}, {Fair}, {Open}, {Frank}, {Ingenuous}. A man is fair when he puts things on a just or equitable footing; he is candid when be looks impartially on both sides of a subject, doing justice especially to the motives and conduct of an opponent; he is open and frank when he declares his sentiments without reserve; he is ingenuous when he does this from a noble regard for truth. Fair dealing; candid investigation; an open temper; a frank disposition; an ingenuous answer or declaration.

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