About The Word Asleep

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Asleep Meaning & Definition
Asleep Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Asleep?

[adv] into a sleeping state; "he fell asleep"
[adv] in the sleep of death

Synonyms | Synonyms for Asleep:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Asleep: a stranger to | anesthetized | asleep in Jesus | at rest | benumbed | bereft of life | blind to | breathless | called home | callous | carrion | cataleptic | catatonic | caught napping | cold | comatose | croaked | dead | dead and gone | dead asleep | dead to | deadened | deaf to | death-struck | deceased | deep asleep | defunct | demised | departed | departed this life | destitute of life | done for | doped | dormant | drugged | dull | exanimate | fallen | fast asleep | finished | flaked-out | food for worms | gone | gone to glory | gone west | goofing off | half-conscious | idle | impassible | imperceptive | impercipient | in ignorance of | inanimate | incautious | incognizant | inert | insensate | insensible | insensible to | insensitive | insentient | late | late lamented | launched into eternity | lifeless | martyred | mindless | napping | narcotized | nirvanic | no more | nodding | nonconceiving | not with it | numb | numbed | obdurate | oblivious | obtuse | off-guard | out | out cold | out of it | passed on | passive | pushing up daisies | quiet | released | reposing | resting easy | sainted | semiconscious | senseless | sleeping | sleepy | slumbering | smitten with death | sound asleep | spaced out | still | stillborn | stoned | strung out | taken away | taken off | thick-skinned | thick-witted | unalert | unanimated | unaware | unaware of | uncautious | unconscious | unconscious of | unfeeling | unfelt | unguarded | unhearing | uninsightful | unknowing | unmindful | unmindful of | unperceiving | unperceptive | unprehensive | unprepared | unready | unrealizing | unseeing | unsuspecting | unvigilant | unwary | unwatchful | unwitting | with the Lord | with the saints | without life | without vital functions | witless | zonked | zonked out

See Also |

Asleep In Webster's Dictionary

\A*sleep"\, a. & adv. [Pref. a- + sleep.] 1. In a state of sleep; in sleep; dormant. Fast asleep the giant lay supine. --Dryden. By whispering winds soon lulled asleep. --Milton. 2. In the sleep of the grave; dead. Concerning them which are asleep . . . sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. --1 Thess. iv. 13. 3. Numbed, and, usually, tingling. --Udall. Leaning long upon any part maketh it numb, and, as we call it, asleep. --Bacon.

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