About The Word Idle

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Idle Meaning & Definition
Idle Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Idle?

[adj] not having a job; "idle carpenters"; "jobless transients"; "many people in the area were out of work"
[adj] not in active use; "the machinery sat idle during the strike"; "idle hands"
[adj] not in action or at work; "an idle laborer"; "idle drifters"; "the idle rich"; "an idle mind"
[adj] not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds"
[adj] lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; "idle talk"; "a loose tongue"
[adj] silly or trivial; "idle pleasure"; "light banter"; "light idle chatter"
[adj] without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy"
[v] run disconnected or idle; "the engine is idling"
[v] be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Idle: at liberty(p) | baseless | bone-idle | bone-lazy | dead | faineant | frivolous | goldbricking(a) | groundless | inactive | indolent | irresponsible | jobless | lackadaisical | laze | lazy | leisure(a) | leisured | light | loose | otiose | out of work | slothful | slug | stagnate | unengaged | unfounded | unprofitable | unsupported | unused | unwarranted | work-shy

Related Terms | Find terms related to Idle: abortive | absurd | airy | amble | ambling | asinine | asleep | at a standstill | at anchor | at leisure | at liberty | at loose ends | available | baseless | be a sideliner | be still | bootless | brogue | bum | bum around | catchpenny | cautious | circumspect | claudicant | claudicate | coast | contemplative | coquet | crawl | crawling | creep | creeping | creeping like snail | dabble | dally | dally away | dead-still | delay | deliberate | diddle | diddle away | disengaged | do nothing | dog it | dogtrot | do-nothing | dormant | drag | drag along | drag out | dribble away | drift | drivel away | drone | easy | empty | faineant | fallow | faltering | fatuitous | fatuous | fiddle | fiddle with | fiddle-faddle | fidget with | finger with | fixed | flagging | flimsy | flirt | fool | fool around | fool away | fool with | foolish | foot-dragging | free | fribble | fribbling | fritter away | frivol | frivolous | frothy | fruitless | fust | futile | gentle | go dead slow | go slow | goldbrick | goof off | gradual | groundless | halting | hang around | hang fire | hibernate | hobble | hobbled | hobbling | hollow | horse around | idle away | ill-founded | immobile | immotive | inactive | inane | inch | inch along | indolent | inert | insignificant | jerk off | jobless | jog-trot | kid around | kill | kill time | lackadaisical | laissez-aller | laissez-faire | lallygag | languid | languorous | laze | lazy | leisure | leisured | leisurely | lethargic | lie around | lie dormant | light | limp | limping | linger | listless | loaf | loafing | loiter | loiter about | loitering | loll | loll around | lollop around | lollygag | lounge | lounge around | lumbering | lumpen | mark time | meaningless | meditative | mess around | moderate | monkey | monkey around | mooch | mooch around | moon | moon around | mosey | motionless | moveless | muddle away | neuter | neutral | not budge | not stir | nugacious | nugatory | off | off duty | off work | open | otiose | out of commission | out of employ | out of harness | out of work | paralytic | paralyzed | passive | piddle | piss away | play | play around | play with | pointless | poke | poke along | poking | poky | potter | potter away | procrastinating | putter | quiescent | quiet | quietist | quietistic | redundant | relax | relaxed | reluctant | repose | rest | resting | retired | riding at anchor | saunter | sauntering | semiretired | senseless | shallow | shiftless | shuffle along | shuffling | silly | sit around | sit back | sit it out | slack | sleep | sleepy | slender | slight | slothful | slouch | slouch around | slow | slow as death | slow as molasses | slow as slow | slow-crawling | slow-foot | slow-going | slow-legged | slow-moving | slow-paced | slow-poky | slow-running | slow-sailing | slow-stepped | sluggish | slumber | smatter | smolder | snaillike | snail-paced | spare | stagger along | staggering | stagnant | stagnate | stagnating | stand around | standpat | static | stationary | statuelike | still | stock-still | stroll | strolling | superficial | take it easy | tarry | tentative | tinker | toddle | toddle along | toddling | tortoiselike | totter along | tottering | toy | toy with | traipse | trifle | trifle away | trifling | trite | trivial | trudging | turtlelike | twiddle | unavailing | unbased | unemployable | unemployed | unfounded | unfruitful | ungrounded | unhurried | unimportant | unmoved | unmoving | unoccupied | unproductive | unsupportable | unsupported | unsustainable | unsustained | untenable | unused | unwarranted | useless | vacuous | vain | vapid | vegetable | vegetate | vegetative | waddle | waddling | wait and see | walk | waste | watch and wait | while away | windy | without basis | without foundation | workless | worm | worm along | worthless

See Also | arse about | arse around | bum about | bum around | daydream | frig around | fuck off | ineffective | ineffectual | lie about | lie around | loaf | loll | loll around | lounge about | lounge around | moon | moon around | moon on | ride the bench | uneffective | unemployed | warm the bench | waste one's time

Idle In Webster's Dictionary

\I"dle\, a. [Compar. {Idler}; superl. {Idlest}.] [OE. idel, AS. [=i]del vain, empty, useless; akin to OS. [=i]dal, D. ijdel, OHG. [=i]tal vain, empty, mere, G. eitel, Dan. & Sw. idel mere, pure, and prob. to Gr. ? clear, pure, ? to burn. Cf. {Ether}.] 1. Of no account; useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; silly; barren. ``Deserts idle.'' --Shak. Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. --Matt. xii. 36. Down their idle weapons dropped. --Milton. This idle story became important. --Macaulay. 2. Not called into active service; not turned to appropriate use; unemployed; as, idle hours. The idle spear and shield were high uphing. --Milton. 3. Not employed; unoccupied with business; inactive; doing nothing; as, idle workmen. Why stand ye here all the day idle? --Matt. xx. 6. 4. Given rest and ease; averse to labor or employment; lazy; slothful; as, an idle fellow. 5. Light-headed; foolish. [Obs.] --Ford. {Idle pulley} (Mach.), a pulley that rests upon a belt to tighten it; a pulley that only guides a belt and is not used to transmit power. {Idle wheel} (Mach.), a gear wheel placed between two others, to transfer motion from one to the other without changing the direction of revolution. {In idle}, in vain. [Obs.] ``God saith, thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord God in idle.'' --Chaucer. Syn: Unoccupied; unemployed; vacant; inactive; indolent; sluggish; slothful; useless; ineffectual; futile; frivolous; vain; trifling; unprofitable; unimportant. Usage: {Idle}, {Indolent}, {Lazy}. A propensity to inaction is expressed by each of these words; they differ in the cause and degree of this characteristic. Indolent denotes an habitual love to ease, a settled dislike of movement or effort; idle is opposed to {busy}, and denotes a dislike of continuous exertion. Lazy is a stronger and more contemptuous term than indolent.
\I"dle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Idled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Idling}.] To lose or spend time in inaction, or without being employed in business. --Shak.
\I"dle\, v. t. To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume; -- often followed by away; as, to idle away an hour a day.

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