About The Word Crawling

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Crawling to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Crawling definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Crawling Meaning & Definition
Crawling Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Crawling?

[n] a slow creeping mode of locomotion (on hands and knees or dragging the body); "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage"; "the traffic moved at a creep"
[adj] used of traffic; "bumper-to-bumper traffic"
[adj] moving or progressing very slowly or laboriously especially by or as if by dragging the body along close to the ground; "a riverbank full of crawling crocodiles"; "a creeping tractor"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Crawling: bumper-to-bumper | crawl | creep | creeping | creeping | moving | slow

Related Terms | Find terms related to Crawling: abject | accumbent | alive with | all fours | ambling | amphibian | anguine | atiptoe | atmospherics | backscratching | batrachian | beggarly | blaring | blasting | blind spot | bootlicking | bristling | bursting | cautious | circumspect | claudicant | close | colubriform | compact | couchant | couche | cowering | crammed | crawl | creep | creeping | creeping like snail | cringing | crocodilian | crouching | crowded | crowding | decumbent | deliberate | dense | draped | drift | easy | fade-out | fading | faltering | fawning | firm | flagging | flat | flattering | foot-dragging | footlicking | froggy | full | gentle | gradual | groveling | gumshoeing | halting | hangdog | hobbled | hobbling | honeycombed | idle | in profusion | indolent | ingratiating | interference | jammed | jam-packed | languid | languorous | lavish | lazy | leisurely | limping | lizardlike | lolling | lounging | lumbering | lying | mealymouthed | moderate | nightwalking | noise | obeisant | obsequious | on all fours | on bended knee | on tippytoe | on tiptoe | ophidian | overflowing | packed | padding | parasitic | permeated | poking | poky | populous | procumbent | prodigal | profuse | proliferating | prolific | prone | prostrate | prowling | pussyfooting | reception | reclining | recumbent | relaxed | reluctant | repent | reposing | reptant | reptatorial | reptile | reptilelike | reptilian | reptiliform | reptiloid | resupine | rife | saturated | sauntering | saurian | scrabble | scramble | serpentiform | serpentile | serpentine | serpentlike | serpentoid | serried | shot through | shuffling | sidling | slack | slinking | slithering | slothful | slow | slow as death | slow as molasses | slow as slow | slow-crawling | slow-foot | slow-going | slow-legged | slow-moving | slow-paced | slow-poky | slow-running | slow-sailing | slow-stepped | sluggish | snaillike | snail-paced | snakelike | snaking | snaky | sneaking | sniveling | solid | sponging | sprawled | sprawling | spread | staggering | static | stealing | strolling | studded | superabundant | supine | swarming | sycophantic | teeming | tentative | thick | thick as hail | thick with | thick-coming | thronged | thronging | timeserving | tippytoe | tiptoe | tiptoeing | toadeating | toadish | toadying | toadyish | toddling | tortoiselike | tottering | truckling | trudging | turtlelike | unhurried | viperiform | viperish | viperlike | viperoid | viperous | vipery | waddling | worming

See Also | locomotion | travel

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Crossword Dictionary