About The Word Incorrigible

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Learn about the word Incorrigible to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Incorrigible definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Incorrigible Meaning & Definition
Incorrigible Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Incorrigible?

[adj] impervious to correction by punishment

Synonyms | Synonyms for Incorrigible: delinquent | depraved | uncontrollable | uncorrectable | unmanageable | unreformable | unregenerate

Related Terms | Find terms related to Incorrigible: bad | beyond control | beyond recall | beyond remedy | breachy | chronic | confirmed | contumacious | cureless | deep-dyed | deep-fixed | deep-rooted | deep-seated | deep-set | deep-settled | defiant | dyed-in-the-wool | established | fast | fixed | fractious | gone | graceless | habitual | hardened | hopeless | immedicable | implanted | inculcated | incurable | indocile | indomitable | infixed | inflexible | ingrained | inoperable | instilled | insuppressible | intractable | inveterate | irreclaimable | irrecoverable | irredeemable | irreformable | irremediable | irreparable | irrepressible | irretrievable | irreversible | irrevocable | long-established | lost | naughty | obdurate | obstreperous | out of hand | past hope | past praying for | recalcitrant | refractory | remediless | resistant | resisting | restive | rooted | ruined | set | settled | settled in habit | shrewish | shriftless | sinful | stubborn | terminal | thorough | unalterable | unbiddable | unchangeable | uncontrollable | undone | ungovernable | unmalleable | unmanageable | unmitigable | unmoldable | unredeemable | unregenerate | unrelievable | unruly | unsalvable | unsalvageable | unsubmissive | villainous | wicked | wild

See Also | disobedient

Incorrigible In Webster's Dictionary

\In*cor"ri*gi*ble\, a. [L. incorrigibilis: cf. F. incorrigible. See {In-} not, and {Corrigible}.] Not corrigible; incapable of being corrected or amended; bad beyond correction; irreclaimable; as, incorrigible error. ``Incorrigible fools.'' --Dryden.
\In*cor"ri*gi*ble\, n. One who is corrigible; especially, a hardened criminal; as, the perpetual imprisonment of incorrigibles.

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