About The Word Ameliorate

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Learn about the word Ameliorate to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Ameliorate definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Ameliorate Meaning & Definition
Ameliorate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ameliorate?

[v] get better; "The weather improved toward evening."
[v] to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ameliorate: better | improve | meliorate

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ameliorate: accommodate | acculturate | adapt | adjust | advance | alleviate | alter | amend | be changed | be converted into | be renewed | better | boost | bottom out | break | break up | bring forward | change | checker | chop | chop and change | civilize | come about | come along | come around | come on | come round | convalesce | convert | deform | degenerate | denature | deteriorate | develop | deviate | diverge | diversify | edify | educate | elevate | emend | enhance | enlighten | enrich | fatten | favor | fit | flop | forward | foster | gain | gain ground | get ahead | get along | go ahead | go forward | go straight | graduate | grow better | haul around | help | improve | improve upon | jibe | lard | lift | lighten | look up | make an improvement | make headway | make progress | make strides | meliorate | mend | mitigate | modify | modulate | mutate | nurture | overthrow | perk up | pick up | progress | promote | qualify | raise | realign | rebuild | reconstruct | re-create | recuperate | redesign | refine upon | refit | reform | relieve | remake | renew | reshape | restructure | revamp | revive | ring the changes | shape up | shift | shift the scene | show improvement | shuffle the cards | skyrocket | socialize | straighten out | subvert | swerve | tack | take a turn | take off | transfigure | transform | turn | turn aside | turn into | turn the corner | turn the scale | turn the tables | turn the tide | turn upside down | undergo a change | upgrade | uplift | vary | veer | warp | work a change | worsen

See Also | advance | aid | alleviate | alter | assuage | beautify | bounce back | build | bushel | change | change state | condition | convalesce | develop | distill | doctor | down | educate | embellish | emend | enhance | enrich | fine-tune | fix | fructify | furbish up | get over | get well | heal | help | hone | iron out | lift | make pure | mend | palliate | perfect | pick up | polish | prettify | purify | put right | raise | recover | recuperate | refine | reform | regenerate | relieve | remit | repair | restore | revitalize | see the light | straighten out | sublimate | touch on | turn | turn around | upgrade

Ameliorate In Webster's Dictionary

\A*mel"io*rate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ameliorated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ameliorating}.] [L. ad + meliorare to make better: cf. F. am['e]liorer. See {Meliorate}.] To make better; to improve; to meliorate. In every human being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition. --Macaulay.
\A*mel"io*rate\, v. i. To grow better; to meliorate; as, wine ameliorates by age.

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