About The Word Epilepsy

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Learn about the word Epilepsy to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Epilepsy definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Epilepsy Meaning & Definition
Epilepsy Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Epilepsy?

[n] a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions

Synonyms | Synonyms for Epilepsy:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Epilepsy: abdominal epilepsy | access | acquired epilepsy | activated epilepsy | affect epilepsy | akinetic epilepsy | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | apoplexy | arrest | attack | autonomic epilepsy | blockage | brain disease | cardiac epilepsy | cephalalgia | cerebral palsy | chorea | clonic spasm | clonus | convulsion | cortical epilepsy | cramp | cursive epilepsy | diurnal epilepsy | eclampsia | emotional disorder | epilepsia | epilepsia gravior | epilepsia major | epilepsia minor | epilepsia mitior | epilepsia nutans | epilepsia tarda | epitasis | falling sickness | fit | focal epilepsy | frenzy | glossopharyngeal neuralgia | grand mal | grip | haute mal | headache | herpes zoster | hysterical epilepsy | ictus | ischialgia | Jacksonian epilepsy | larval epilepsy | laryngeal epilepsy | laryngospasm | latent epilepsy | lockjaw | matutinal epilepsy | menstrual epilepsy | migraine | MS | multiple sclerosis | musicogenic epilepsy | myoclonous epilepsy | nervous disorder | neuralgia | neuritis | neuropathy | nocturnal epilepsy | occlusion | organic psychosis | orgasm | palsy | paroxysm | petit mal | physiologic epilepsy | polyneuritis | pressure neuropathy | priapism | psychic epilepsy | psychomotor epilepsy | radiculitis | reflex epilepsy | Rolandic epilepsy | rotatoria | sciatic neuritis | sciatica | seizure | sensory epilepsy | serial epilepsy | sexual climax | shaking palsy | shingles | spasm | spastic paralysis | stoppage | stroke | tardy epilepsy | tetanus | tetany | the jerks | throes | thromboembolism | thrombosis | tic douloureux | tonic epilepsy | tonic spasm | torsion spasm | toxic psychosis | traumatic epilepsy | trismus | ucinate epilepsy | visitation

See Also | absence | akinetic epilepsy | brain disease | brain disorder | cortical epilepsy | encephalopathy | epileptic seizure | focal epilepsy | generalized epilepsy | grand mal epilepsy | Lafora's disease | myoclonus epilepsy | petit mal epilepsy | posttraumatic epilepsy | procursive epilepsy | psychomotor epilepsy | reflex epilepsy | status epilepticus | temporal lobe epilepsy | tonic epilepsy | traumatic epilepsy

Epilepsy In Webster's Dictionary

\Ep"i*lep`sy\, n. [L. epilepsia, Gr. ? a seizure, the ``falling sickness,'' fr. ? to take besides, seize, attack; 'epi` upon, besides + ? to take: cf. F. ['e]pilepsie. Cf. {Catalepsy}.] (Med.) The ``falling sickness,'' so called because the patient falls suddenly to the ground; a disease characterized by paroxysms (or fits) occurring at interval and attended by sudden loss of consciousness, and convulsive motions of the muscles. --Dunglison.

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