Learn about the word Following to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Following definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.
Following Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Following?
[n] the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"
[n] a group of followers or enthusiasts
[adj] immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list"
[adj] going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps"
Synonyms | Synonyms for Following: chase |
followers |
next |
pursuing |
pursuit |
shadowing |
stalking |
succeeding(a) |
Related Terms | Find terms related to Following: adherent |
after |
afterlife |
alike |
aped |
appendage |
appendant |
attendance |
attendant |
audience |
behind |
below |
body of retainers |
buff |
bugging |
cadet |
cavaliere servente |
chase |
clientage |
clientele |
cloak-and-dagger work |
cohort |
coming |
coming after |
consecution |
consecutive |
consecutiveness |
consequent |
consequential |
consimilar |
continuation |
continuity |
copied |
copying |
cortege |
counterespionage |
counterfeit |
counterfeiting |
counterintelligence |
court |
courtier |
cynegetic |
dangler |
deducible |
dependent |
derivable |
derivational |
derivative |
descent |
disciple |
dogging |
electronic surveillance |
emulation |
ensuing |
entourage |
ersatz |
espial |
espionage |
extension |
fake |
fakery |
fan |
favoring |
final |
fishing |
flunky |
follow |
follower |
follow-up |
forgery |
future time |
halieutic |
hanger-on |
hangover |
henchman |
hit-off |
homme de cour |
homogeneous |
hue and cry |
hunting |
identical |
imitated |
imitation |
impersonation |
imposture |
impression |
in full cry |
in hot pursuit |
in pursuit |
infenible |
intelligence |
intelligence work |
junior |
lateness |
later |
like |
line |
lineage |
lineal |
logical sequence |
military intelligence |
mimesis |
mimicked |
mirroring |
mock |
nearly reproduced |
next |
next life |
not unlike |
observation |
onomatopoeia |
order |
order of succession |
parasite |
parody |
partisan |
phony |
piscatorial |
piscatory |
plagiarism |
plagiary |
postdate |
postdating |
posterior |
posteriority |
postposition |
postpositional |
postpositive |
procession |
progression |
prolongation |
prosecution |
provenience |
proximate |
public |
puisne |
pursuance |
pursuant |
pursuer |
pursuing |
pursuit |
pursuivant |
quest |
questing |
remainder |
repetition |
resembling |
resultant |
resulting |
retinue |
rotation |
rout |
satellite |
searching |
secret police |
secret service |
sectary |
seeking |
sequacious |
sequence |
sequent |
sequential |
series |
shadow |
shadowing |
similar |
simulated |
simulation |
since |
smacking of |
something like |
spying |
stakeout |
stalking |
stooge |
subjunction |
subsequence |
subsequent |
subsequent to |
succeeding |
succession |
successive |
successiveness |
successor |
suffixation |
suffixed |
suggestive of |
suite |
supervenience |
supervention |
supporter |
surveillance |
synthetic |
tagtail |
tail |
tailing |
takeoff |
tracking |
tracking down |
trailing |
train |
trainbearer |
uniform with |
votary |
ward heeler |
wiretap |
wiretapping |
See Also | afficionado |
buff |
claque |
devotee |
faithful |
fan |
fandom |
hoi polloi |
lover |
mass |
masses |
motion |
move |
movement |
multitude |
people |
shadowing |
stalk |
stalking |
tailing |
tracking |
Following In Webster's Dictionary
\Fol"low*ing\, n.
1. One's followers, adherents, or dependents, collectively.
2. Vocation; business; profession.
\Fol"low*ing\, a.
1. Next after; succeeding; ensuing; as, the assembly was held
on the following day.
2. (Astron.) (In the field of a telescope) In the direction
from which stars are apparently moving (in consequence of
the earth's rotation); as, a small star, north following
or south following. In the direction toward which stars
appear to move is called preceding.
Note: The four principal directions in the field of a
telescope are north, south, following, preceding.
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