About The Word Appendage

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Appendage Meaning & Definition
Appendage Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Appendage?

[n] a part that is joined to something larger
[n] a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process"
[n] an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Appendage: extremity | member | outgrowth | process

Related Terms | Find terms related to Appendage: accession | accessories | accessory | accident | accidental | accompaniment | addenda | addendum | additament | addition | additive | additory | additum | adherent | adjunct | adjuvant | annex | annexation | appanage | appanages | appendages | appendant | appendix | appointments | appurtenance | appurtenances | appurtenant | arm | attachment | attendant | augment | augmentation | auxiliary | belongings | bough | branch | buff | cavaliere servente | choses | choses in action | choses in possession | choses local | choses transitory | coda | collateral | complement | concomitant | contingency | contingent | continuation | corollary | courtier | dangler | dependent | disciple | extension | extra | extrapolation | fan | fixture | flunky | follower | following | hand | hanger-on | happenstance | heeler | henchman | homme de cour | imp | incidental | increase | increment | inessential | joint | leg | limb | link | lobe | lobule | man | material things | member | mere chance | movables | nonessential | not-self | offshoot | organ | other | paraphernalia | parasite | partisan | pendant | perquisites | personal effects | pinion | public | pursuer | pursuivant | ramification | reinforcement | retainer | runner | satellite | scion | secondary | sectary | servant | shadow | side effect | side issue | spray | sprig | spur | stooge | subsidiary | successor | superaddition | supplement | supporter | switch | tagtail | tail | tailpiece | tendril | things | trainbearer | trappings | twig | undergirding | unessential | votary | ward heeler | wing

See Also | acromion | acrosome | aculea | ala | alveolar arch | alveolar process | alveolar ridge | apophysis | appendicle | appendix | arista | body part | caruncle | caruncula | cecal appendage | chela | chelicera | cirrus | claw | condyle | coronoid process | crest | dactyl | digit | eminence | enation | epicondyle | excrescence | external body part | fetlock | fimbria | fin | flagellum | grip | gum ridge | hair | handgrip | handhold | handle | hold | horn | limb | mastoid | mastoid process | mastoidal | metaphysis | mouthpart | nipper | odontoid process | olecranon | olecranon process | osteophyte | papilla | parapodium | part | pedal extremity | pincer | plant process | pleopod | portion | processus coronoideus | pseudopod | pseudopodium | pterygoid process | ridge | spicule | spiculum | spine | style | styloid process | swimmeret | tail | tailpiece | tentacle | transverse process | trochanter | tubercle | tuberosity | vermiform appendix | vermiform process | vertebrate foot | villus | zygomatic process

Appendage In Webster's Dictionary

\Ap*pend"age\, n. 1. Something appended to, or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it, as a portico to a house. Modesty is the appendage of sobriety. --Jer. Taylor. 2. (Biol.) A subordinate or subsidiary part or organ; an external organ or limb, esp. of the articulates. Antenn[ae] and other appendages used for feeling. --Carpenter. Syn: Addition; adjunct; concomitant.

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Crossword Dictionary