About The Word Supplement

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Learn about the word Supplement to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Supplement definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Supplement Meaning & Definition
Supplement Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Supplement?

[n] a supplementary component
[n] a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)
[n] textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end
[v] add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language"
[v] add as a supplement to what seems insufficient; "supplement your diet"
[v] serve as a supplement to; "Vitamins supplemented his meager diet"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Supplement: accessory | add on | addendum | affix | append | appurtenance | postscript | supplementation

Related Terms | Find terms related to Supplement:

See Also | add | annex | appendix | attach | auto accessory | back matter | be | component | comprise | computer accessory | constituent | constitute | continuation | cut-in | eke out | element | end matter | fill out | fitting | fixings | furnish | increase | increment | insert | leverage | make up | matter | provide | render | represent | sequel | supply | trimmings | vitaminise | vitaminize

Supplement In Webster's Dictionary

\Sup"ple*ment\, n. [F. suppl['e]ment, L. supplementum, fr. supplere to fill up. See {Supply}, v. t.] 1. That which supplies a deficiency, or meets a want; a store; a supply. [Obs.] --Chapman. 2. That which fills up, completes, or makes an addition to, something already organized, arranged, or set apart; specifically, a part added to, or issued as a continuation of, a book or paper, to make good its deficiencies or correct its errors. 3. (Trig.) The number of degrees which, if added to a specified arc, make it 180[deg]; the quantity by which an arc or an angle falls short of 180 degrees, or an arc falls short of a semicircle. Syn: Appendix. Usage: {Appendix}, {Supplement}. An appendix is that which is appended to something, but is not essential to its completeness; a supplement is that which supplements, or serves to complete or make perfect, that to which it is added.
\Sup"ple*ment\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supplemented}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supplementing}.] To fill up or supply by addition; to add something to. Causes of one kind must be supplemented by bringing to bear upon them a causation of another kind. --I. Taylor.

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