About The Word Counterfeit

Learn about the word Counterfeit to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Counterfeit definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.

Counterfeit Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Counterfeit?
[n] a copy that is represented as the original
[adj] not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince" [v] make a copy of with the intent to deceive; "he faked the signature"; "they counterfeited dollar bills"; "She forged a Green Card" Synonyms | Synonyms for Counterfeit: assumed | bad | base | bastard | bogus | fake | fake | false | fictitious | fictive | forge | forged | forgery | imitation | imitative | inauthentic | mock | ostensible | ostensive | phoney | phony | pinchbeck | pretended | pseudo | put on | sham | spurious | synthetic | unauthentic Related Terms | Find terms related to Counterfeit: act | act a part | act like | affect | affected | agent | alike | alternate | alternative | analogy | ape | aped | apocryphal | appear like | approach | approximate | artificial | assume | assumed | backup | bad check | bad money | base coin | bastard | be like | be redolent of | bear resemblance | bluff | bogus | bogus money | borrow | bring to mind | brummagem | call to mind | call up | certified copy | change | changeling | cheat | chorus | clinquant | coin | colorable | colored | come close | come near | compare with | comparison | concoct | consimilar | cook up | copied | copy | correspond | counterfeit money | counterfeited | cover up | crib | deceit | deception | deceptive | delusive | delusory | deputy | dissemble | dissimulate | distorted | ditto | do | do a bit | do like | double | dramatize | dressed up | dummy | echo | ectype | embellished | embroidered | equal | equivalent | ersatz | evoke | exchange | fabricate | facsimile | factitious | fair copy | faithful copy | fake | faked | fakement | false | false money | falsified | falsify | fantasize | favor | favoring | feign | feigned | fictitious | fictive | fill-in | follow | following | forge | forged | forgery | four-flush | frame-up | fraud | fraudulent | fudge | gammon | garbled | ghost | ghostwriter | go like | green goods | gyp | hatch | histrionize | hoax | hoke | hoke up | hokey | homogeneous | humbug | icon | identical | illegitimate | image | imitate | imitated | imitation | impostor | insincere | invent | junk | junky | kite | let on | let on like | like | likeness | locum tenens | look like | make a pretense | make as if | make believe | make like | make out like | make up | make-believe | makeshift | man-made | manufacture | match | meretricious | metaphor | metonymy | mimic | mimicked | mint | mirror | misleading | mock | near | nearly reproduce | nearly reproduced | next best thing | not tell apart | not unlike | overact | parallel | partake of | paste | pasticcio | pastiche | personnel | perverted | phony | picture | pinch | pinch hitter | pinchbeck | plagiarize | plagiarized | play | play a part | play a scene | play possum | playact | portrait | pretend | pretended | profess | provisional | proxy | pseudo | put on | put on airs | put-on | put-up job | quasi | queer | reecho | reflect | relief | remind one of | repeat | replacement | representation | representative | reproduce | reproduction | resemblance | resemble | resembling | reserve | reserves | ringer | rip-off | rubber check | savor of | second string | secondary | seem like | self-styled | sell | semblance | sham | shoddy | shove the queer | sign | similar | similitude | simulacrum | simulate | simulated | smack of | smacking of | snide | so-called | soi-disant | something like | sound like | spare | spares | spurious | stack up with | stand-in | stopgap | sub | substituent | substitute | substitution | succedaneum | suggest | suggestive of | superseder | supplanter | supposititious | surrogate | swindle | symbol | synecdoche | synthetic | take after | temporary | tentative | third string | tin | tinsel | titivated | token | trump up | tug the heartstrings | twisted | unauthentic | understudy | ungenuine | uniform with | unnatural | unreal | utility | utility player | utter | vicar | vicarious | vice-president | vice-regent | warped | wear | whited sepulcher See Also | artificial | copy | fake | insincere | postiche | re-create | sham | unreal Counterfeit In Webster's Dictionary \Coun"ter*feit\ (koun"t?r-f?t), a. [F. contrefait,
p. p. of contrefaire to counterfeit; contre (L. contra) +
faire to make, fr. L. facere. See {Counter}, adv., and
1. Representing by imitation or likeness; having a
resemblance to something else; portrayed.
Look here upon this picture, and on this- The
counterfeit presentment of two brothers. --Shak.
2. Fabricated in imitation of something else, with a view to
defraud by passing the false copy for genuine or original;
as, counterfeit antiques; counterfeit coin. ``No
counterfeit gem.'' --Robinson (More's Utopia).
3. Assuming the appearance of something; false; spurious;
deceitful; hypocritical; as, a counterfeit philanthropist.
``An arrant counterfeit rascal.'' --Shak.
Syn: Forged; fictitious; spurious; false.
\Coun"ter*feit\, n. 1. That which resembles or is like another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart. Thou drawest a counterfeit Best in all Athens. --Shak. Even Nature's self envied the same, And grudged to see the counterfeit should shame The thing itself. --Spenser. 2. That which is made in imitation of something, with a view to deceive by passing the false for the true; as, the bank note was a counterfeit. Never call a true piece of gold a counterfeit. --Shak. Some of these counterfeits are fabricated with such exquisite taste and skill, that it is the achievement of criticism to distinguish them from originals. --Macaulay. 3. One who pretends to be what he is not; one who personates another; an impostor; a cheat. I fear thou art another counterfeit; And yet, in faith, thou bear'st thee like a king. --Shak. \Coun"ter*feit\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Counterfeited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Counterfeiting}.] 1. To imitate, or put on a semblance of; to mimic; as, to counterfeit the voice of another person. Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee At all his jokes, for many a joke had he. --Goldsmith. 2. To imitate with a view to deceiving, by passing the copy for that which is original or genuine; to forge; as, to counterfeit the signature of another, coins, notes, etc. \Coun"ter*feit\, v. i. 1. To carry on a deception; to dissemble; to feign; to pretend. The knave counterfeits well; a good knave. --Shak. 2. To make counterfeits. |
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