About The Word Dung

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Dung to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Dung definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Dung Meaning & Definition
Dung Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dung?

[n] fecal matter of animals
[v] defecate, used of an animal
[v] fertilize or dress with dung; "you must dung the land"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dung: droppings | muck

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dung: ammonia | BM | bowel movement | buffalo chips | ca-ca | castor-bean meal | commercial fertilizer | compost | coprolite | coprolith | cow | cow chips | cow flops | cow pats | crap | defecation | dingleberry | dressing | droppings | enrichener | excrement | feces | feculence | fertilizer | guano | jakes | manure | movement | muck | night soil | nitrate | nitrogen | ordure | organic fertilizer | phosphate | sewage | sewerage | shit | stool | superphosphate | turd

See Also | BM | buffalo chip | ca-ca | chip | cow chip | cow dung | cow pie | crap | defecate | dejection | faecal matter | faeces | fecal matter | feces | feed | fertilise | fertilize | make | ordure | pigeon droppings | shit | stool | take a crap | take a shit

Dung In Webster's Dictionary

\Dung\, n. [AS. dung; akin to G. dung, d["u]nger, OHG. tunga, Sw. dynga; cf. Icel. dyngja heap, Dan. dynge, MHG. tunc underground dwelling place, orig., covered with dung. Cf. {Dingy}.] The excrement of an animal. --Bacon.
\Dung\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dunged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dunging}.] 1. To manure with dung. --Dryden. 2. (Calico Print.) To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung; -- done to remove the superfluous mordant.
\Dung\, v. i. To void excrement. --Swift.

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