About The Word Maneuver

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Maneuver Meaning & Definition
Maneuver Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Maneuver?

[n] an action aimed at evading an enemy
[n] a move made to gain a tactical end
[n] a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill; "he made a great play"
[n] a military training exercise
[n] a plan for attaining a particular goal
[v] perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense
[v] direct the course; determine the direction of travelling

Synonyms | Synonyms for Maneuver: channelise | channelize | direct | evasive action | guide | head | manoeuvre | manoeuvre | manoeuvre | manoeuvre | operate | play | point | simulated military operation | steer | tactic | tactical maneuver | tactical manoeuvre

Related Terms | Find terms related to Maneuver: accomplished fact | accomplishment | achievement | act | act on | act upon | acta | action | ad hoc measure | adventure | amphibious operations | angle | answer | art | artful dodge | artifice | bank | be responsible for | bear a hand | beguile | blind | blow | bold | brew | cabal | call the signals | captain | carry on | carry out | carry through | chicanery | collude | combined operations | command | complot | concoct | conduct | connive | conspiracy | conspire | contrivance | contrive | control | convoy | cook up | countermine | countermove | counterplot | coup | courageous | course of action | crab | craft | cute trick | dauntless | deal with | dealings | deceit | deed | demarche | design | device | dip | direct | dispense | do something | do something about | dodge | doing | doings | drive | dry run | effort | endeavor | engineer | enterprise | execute a maneuver | expedient | exploit | fait accompli | fakement | fearless | feat | feather | feint | fetch | finagle | finesse | fishtail | fluid operations | frame | frame up | gambit | game | gerrymander | gest | get with it | gimmick | go | govern | grift | hand | handiwork | handle | hatch | hatch a plot | hatch up | head | head up | heave in together | improvisation | intrepid | intrigue | jig | job | jockey | jugglery | jury-rig | jury-rigged expedient | keep in formation | keep pointed | keep station | knavery | last expedient | last resort | last shift | lay a plot | lead | lead on | lift a finger | little game | logistics | loop | machinate | machination | maintain position | make go | make the rules | makeshift | manage | maneuvers | manful | manipulate | manipulation | mastermind | means | measure | military operations | minor operations | mission | move | movement | navigate | officer | operate | operation | operations | order | overseas operations | overt act | passage | perform on | performance | pilot | pis aller | plan | play | play games | plot | plow | ploy | ply | porpoise | practice | prescribe | procedure | proceed | proceed with | proceeding | production | pull out | pull strings | pull the strings | pull up | push down | quarterback | racket | red herring | regulate | res gestae | resort | resource | rig | roll | run | ruse | scheme | see to | shake-up | shift | sideslip | skid | skipper | sleight | solution | spin | spiral | staff work | steam in line | steer | step | stopgap | stratagem | strategy | strike a blow | stroke | stroke of policy | stunt | subterfuge | swing | tactic | take a hand | take action | take care of | take command | take measures | take steps | take the lead | temporary expedient | thing | thing done | tour de force | transaction | trick | trickery | trump | turn | unafraid | undaunted | undertaking | undulate | valiant | valorous | wangle | war game | war plans | wield | wile | wily device | work | working hypothesis | working proposition | works | yaw

See Also | airplane maneuver | artifice | assist | athletic game | ball hawking | blitz | canalise | canalize | channel | clinch | command | completion | conn | control | corner | device | dock | evasion | feint | figure | flight maneuver | footwork | gambit | gimmick | go | icing | icing the puck | jockey | jugglery | linebacker blitzing | measure | military operation | military training | motion | mousetrap | move | move | movement | navigate | obstruction | operation | park | parking | pass completion | pilot | plan of action | ploy | pull over | ruse | safety blitz | sheer | shot | stand out | starboard | step | straight-arm | stratagem | stroke | trap play | twist

Maneuver In Webster's Dictionary

\Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, n. [F. man[oe]uvre, OF. manuevre, LL. manopera, lit., hand work, manual labor; L. manus hand + opera, fr. opus work. See {Manual}, {Operate}, and cf. {Mainor}, {Manure}.] 1. Management; dexterous movement; specif., a military or naval evolution, movement, or change of position. 2. Management with address or artful design; adroit proceeding; stratagem.
\Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Maneuvered}or {Man[oe]uvred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Maneuvering}, or {Man[oe]uvring}.] [Cf. F. man[oe]uvrer. See {Maneuver}, n.] 1. To perform a movement or movements in military or naval tactics; to make changes in position with reference to getting advantage in attack or defense. 2. To manage with address or art; to scheme.
\Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, v. t. To change the positions of, as of troops of ships.

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