About The Word Pilot

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Learn about the word Pilot to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Pilot definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Pilot Meaning & Definition
Pilot Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pilot?

[n] an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
[n] small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
[n] an original model on which something is patterned
[n] a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors
[n] someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
[n] a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
[v] act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plann, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"; "Who was navigating the ship during the accident?"
[v] fly a plane

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pilot: airplane pilot | archetype | aviate | buffer | cowcatcher | fender | fly | navigate | original | pilot burner | pilot film | pilot light | pilot program

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pilot: aegis | aerialist | aeronaut | aeroplaner | aeroplanist | agent | air pilot | airman | airplanist | arm guard | astronaut | auto | automatic pilot | aviator | backstop | barnstorm | barnstormer | be responsible for | bellwether | birdman | boatheader | boatsteerer | buffer | bulwark | bumper | captain | carry on | carry out | carry through | charioteer | chart a course | cicerone | cloud seeder | commercial pilot | cond | conduct | conductor | conn | conner | contraceptive | control | copilot | copyright | courier | cowherd | cox | coxswain | crash helmet | crop-duster | cushion | cut-and-try | dashboard | deal with | dean | direct | docking pilot | dodger | doyen | dragoman | drive | driver | drover | empirical | engineer | escort | experimental | face mask | fender | finger guard | flier | fly | foot guard | functionary | fuse | goatherd | goggles | governor | guard | guardrail | guide | guidepost | guider | Gyropilot | hand guard | handle | handler | handrail | hard hat | have the conn | helm | helmet | helmsman | herd | herdsman | heuristic | hit-or-miss | hold the reins | instructor | insulation | interlock | jet jockey | knee guard | knuckle guard | laminated glass | lead | leader | licensed pilot | life preserver | lifeline | lightning conductor | lightning rod | make go | manage | maneuver | manipulate | manipulator | mask | mercury | motor | mudguard | navigate | navigator | nose guard | operant | operate | operative | operator | pad | padding | palladium | patent | peel off | perform on | play | pointer | practice | preventive | probationary | probative | probatory | prophylactic | protective clothing | protective umbrella | proving | provisional | rainmaker | river pilot | route | run | runner | safeguard | safety | safety glass | safety plug | safety rail | safety shoes | safety switch | safety valve | sailing master | screen | seat belt | see | see to | shape a course | shepherd | shield | shin guard | show | solo | steer | steerer | steersman | stunt flier | stunt man | sun helmet | take care of | take the helm | tentative | test | test pilot | testing | tool | tour director | tour guide | trial | trial-and-error | trying | umbrella | verificatory | wheel | wheelman | windscreen | windshield | wingman | work

See Also | aeronaut | airman | astrogate | aviator | balloon | barnstormer | captain | channelise | channelize | combat pilot | control | copilot | direct | engine | example | flat-hat | flier | fly blind | fly contact | flyer | frame | framework | framing | gas burner | gas jet | glide | gob | guide | hang glide | head | hedgehop | hydroplane | Jack | Jack-tar | jet | kamikaze | locomotive | locomotive engine | maneuver | manoeuvre | mariner | model | old salt | operate | point | railway locomotive | sea dog | seafarer | seaman | seaplane | senior pilot | soar | solo | steer | stunt flier | stunt pilot | tar | television program | television show | test fly | test pilot | TV program | TV show | wing | wingman

Pilot In Webster's Dictionary

\Pi"lot\, n. 1. (A["e]ronautics) One who flies, or is qualified to fly, a balloon, an airship, or a flying machine. 2. (Mach.) A short plug at the end of a counterbore to guide the tool. Pilots are sometimes made interchangeable. 3. (Mining) The heading or excavation of relatively small dimensions, first made in the driving of a larger tunnel.
\Pi"lot\, v. t. (A["e]ronautics) To fly, or act as pilot of (an aircraft).
\Pi"lot\, n. [F. pilote, prob. from D. peillood plummet, sounding lead; peilen, pegelen, to sound, measure (fr. D. & G. peil, pegel, a sort of measure, water mark) + lood lead, akin to E. lead. The pilot, then, is the lead man, i. e., he who throws the lead. See {Pail}, and {Lead} a metal.] 1. (Naut.) One employed to steer a vessel; a helmsman; a steersman. --Dryden. 2. Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees. 3. Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course. 4. An instrument for detecting the compass error. 5. The cowcatcher of a locomotive. [U.S.] {Pilot balloon}, a small balloon sent up in advance of a large one, to show the direction and force of the wind. {Pilot bird}. (Zo["o]l.) (a) A bird found near the Caribbee Islands; -- so called because its presence indicates to mariners their approach to these islands. --Crabb. (b) The black-bellied plover. [Local, U.S.] {Pilot boat}, a strong, fast-sailing boat used to carry and receive pilots as they board and leave vessels. {Pilot bread}, ship biscuit. {Pilot cloth}, a coarse, stout kind of cloth for overcoats. {Pilot engine}, a locomotive going in advance of a train to make sure that the way is clear. {Pilot fish}. (Zo["o]l) (a) A pelagic carangoid fish ({Naucrates ductor}); -- so named because it is often seen in company with a shark, swimming near a ship, on account of which sailors imagine that it acts as a pilot to the shark. (b) The rudder fish ({Seriola zonata}). {Pilot jack}, a flag or signal hoisted by a vessel for a pilot. {Pilot jacket}, a pea jacket. {Pilot nut} (Bridge Building), a conical nut applied temporarily to the threaded end of a pin, to protect the thread and guide the pin when it is driven into a hole. --Waddell. {Pilot snake} (Zo["o]l.) (a) A large North American snake ({Coluber obsoleus}). It is lustrous black, with white edges to some of the scales. Called also {mountain black snake}. (b) The pine snake. {Pilot whale}. (Zo["o]l.) Same as {Blackfish}, 1.
\Pi"lot\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Piloted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Piloting}.] [Cf. F. piloter.] 1. To direct the course of, as of a ship, where navigation is dangerous. 2. Figuratively: To guide, as through dangers or difficulties. ``The art of piloting a state.'' --Berkeley.

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