About The Word Pad

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Pad Meaning & Definition
Pad Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pad?

[n] the foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animal
[n] temporary living quarters
[n] a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched
[n] a usually thin flat mass of padding
[n] a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp
[n] the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)
[n] a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge
[v] add padding to; "pad the seat of the chair"
[v] add details to
[v] line or stuff with soft material; "pad a bra"
[v] walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle around a gin" D.H. Lawrence

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pad: aggrandise | aggrandize | blow up | bolster | diggings | digs | domiciliation | dramatise | dramatize | embellish | embroider | fill out | footslog | inking pad | inkpad | lard | launch area | launch pad | launching pad | launchpad | lodgings | pad of paper | plod | slog | stamp pad | tablet | tramp | trudge

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pad: abate | abiding place | abode | account book | address | address book | adversaria | aegis | air mattress | album | allay | alleviate | ambler | ambulate | anesthetize | ankle | annual | appease | appointment calendar | appointment schedule | arch | arm guard | assuage | backstop | barrier | battologize | bedding | benumb | blankbook | blotter | bolster | boss | brattice | brim | buffer | buffer state | bulkhead | bulwark | bump | bumper | calendar | cantonment | cashbook | catalog | ceil | charge | chatter | chink | chock | circumambulate | classified catalog | click | clink | cloison | clop | clubfoot | clump | clunk | cob | collision mat | colophon | commonplace book | concavity | congest | contraceptive | convexity | copyright | court calendar | cram | crash helmet | crash pad | crawl | creep | crib | crowd | crump | cushion | dactylogram | dactylograph | dashboard | daybook | deaden | deaden the pain | dent | desk calendar | diaphragm | diary | digit | diminish | dint | diptych | dissepiment | dividing line | dividing wall | division | docket | dodger | dog | Domesday Book | domicile | domus | drag out | draw out | dull | dull thud | dwelling | dwelling place | ease | ease matters | embellish | embossment | engagement book | exaggerate | excrescence | extend | extremity | face | face mask | feather | fender | fetlock | fill | fill out | fill to overflowing | fill up | finger guard | fingerprint | flick | flump | foment | foot | foot guard | foot it | footmark | footprint | footstep | forefoot | forepaw | fossil footprint | freight | fudge | fur | fuse | gaited horse | galloper | give an encore | give relief | go on tiptoe | go over | go through | goggles | governor | grovel | guard | guardrail | gumshoe | habitation | hand guard | handrail | hard hat | harefoot | heel | helmet | high-stepper | hoof | hoof it | ichnite | ichnolite | impress | impression | imprint | inch | inch along | indent | indentation | indention | inlay | innerspring mattress | instep | insulation | interline | interlock | interseptum | iterate | jam | jam-pack | jaywalk | jog on | journal | knee guard | knuckle guard | lade | laminated glass | lay | ledger | leg | leg it | lessen | life preserver | lifeline | lightning conductor | lightning rod | line | litter | load | lodging | lodging place | lodgment | log | logbook | loose-leaf notebook | lull | lump | magnify | mask | mat | mattress | memo book | memorandum book | memory book | midriff | midsection | mitigate | mollify | mudguard | nest | never finish | nightwalk | nose guard | notebook | numb | overcharge | overdraw | overfill | overpaint | overstate | pace | pacer | pack | padding | padnag | palladium | pallet | palliate | panel | paries | partition | party wall | pastern | pat | patent | patte | patter | paw | paw print | pawmark | pedal extremity | pedes | pedestrianize | perambulate | peripateticate | perorate | pes | petty cashbook | pied | pillow | pilot | pimple | pitapat | pitter-patter | place | place to live | plump | plunk | pocket notebook | pocketbook | police blotter | pop | poultice | pour balm into | pour oil on | practice | prancer | preventive | print | property line | prophylactic | protection | protective clothing | protective umbrella | protract | prowl | pug | pugmark | pussyfoot | racker | ram in | rap | reaffirm | reassert | recapitulate | recite | recount | reduce | rehearse | reissue | reiterate | relieve | reprint | residence | restate | resume | retail | retell | review | reword | roof | rug | run out | run over | safeguard | safety | safety glass | safety plug | safety rail | safety shoes | safety switch | safety valve | salve | satiate | saturate | say over | say over again | scrabble | scramble | scrapbook | scratch pad | screen | seal | seat | seat belt | separation | septulum | septum | shield | shin guard | shock pad | shuffle along | side-wheeler | sidle | sigil | signet | single-footer | slacken | slake | sleeping bag | slink | snake | sneak | soften | sole | soothe | speak at length | spin out | spiral notebook | splayfoot | springs | stamp | steal | steal along | step | stepper | stretch | stretch out | stride | string out | stud | stuff | stump it | stupe | subdue | sum up | summarize | sun helmet | supercharge | surfeit | table | tablet | tap | tautologize | thud | thumbmark | thumbprint | thump | tick | tinkle | tippytoe | tiptoe | toe | tootsy | top off | traipse | tread | triptych | trotter | tunk | umbrella | underbed | underbedding | ungula | vestige | wad | wainscot | walk | wall | weight | windscreen | windshield | workbook | worm | worm along | writing tablet | yearbook

See Also | amplify | anatomical structure | aquatic plant | block | bodily structure | body structure | carpet pad | cleaning pad | complex body part | cushioning | exaggerate | fill | fill up | foliage | glorify | hot pad | hydrophyte | hydrophytic plant | hyerbolise | hyperbolize | Kotex | launching site | leaf | leafage | lily pad | living quarters | magnify | make full | mattress | mattress pad | message pad | notepad | overdraw | overstate | padding | panel | paper | paw | platform | potholder | powderpuff | puff | quarters | rat | rug pad | sanitary napkin | slop | slosh | splash | splosh | squelch | squish | structure | stuff | table mat | underlay | underlayment | walk | water plant | writing pad

Pad In Webster's Dictionary

\Pad\, n. [D. pad. [root]21. See {Path}.] 1. A footpath; a road. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 2. An easy-paced horse; a padnag. --Addison An abbot on an ambling pad. --Tennyson. 3. A robber that infests the road on foot; a highwayman; -- usually called a {footpad}. --Gay. Byron. 4. The act of robbing on the highway. [Obs.]
\Pad\, v. t. To travel upon foot; to tread. [Obs.] Padding the streets for half a crown. --Somerville.
\Pad\, v. i. 1. To travel heavily or slowly. --Bunyan. 2. To rob on foot. [Obs.] --Cotton Mather. 3. To wear a path by walking. [Prov. Eng.]
\Pad\, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting paper; a block of paper. 3. A cushion used as a saddle without a tree or frame. 4. A stuffed guard or protection; esp., one worn on the legs of horses to prevent bruising. 5. (Zo["o]l.) A cushionlike thickening of the skin one the under side of the toes of animals. 6. A floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant. 7. (Med.) A soft bag or cushion to relieve pressure, support a part, etc. 8. (Naut.) A piece of timber fixed on a beam to fit the curve of the deck. --W. C. Russel. 9. A measure for fish; as, sixty mackerel go to a pad; a basket of soles. [Eng.] --Simmonds. {Pad cloth}, a saddlecloth; a housing. {Pad saddle}. See def. 3, above. {Pad tree} (Harness Making), a piece of wood or metal which gives rigidity and shape to a harness pad. --Knight.
\Pad\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Padded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Padding}.] 1. To stuff; to furnish with a pad or padding. 2. (Calico Printing) To imbue uniformly with a mordant; as, to pad cloth. --Ure.

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Crossword Dictionary