About The Word Pan-

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Pan- Meaning & Definition
Pan- Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pan-?

[n] chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids
[n] shallow container made of metal
[n] cooking utensil consisting of a wide metal vessel
[n] (Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears; identified with Roman Sylvanus or Faunus
[v] express a totally negative opinion of; "The critics panned the performance"
[v] wash dirt in a pan to separate out the precious minerals
[v] make a sweeping movement; "The camera panned across the room"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pan-: cooking pan | genus Pan | pan off | pan out | tear apart | the goat god | trash

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pan-: ashpan | Ashtoreth | Astarte | Baal | bake | bakepan | barbecue | baste | blame | blanch | boil | boiler | braise | brazier | bread pan | brew | broil | broiler | brown | Cailleac | cake pan | calotype | capture on film | censure | Ceres | coddle | condemn | cook | corn spirit | countenance | criticize | curry | cut up | Demeter | denounce | denunciate | deride | devil | dial | Dionysus | dishpan | do | do to perfection | double boiler | dustpan | face | facies | faun | Faunus | favor | features | fertility god | field spirit | film | fire | forest god | Frey | fricassee | frizz | frizzle | fry | griddle | grill | grin at | heat | hit | hold in derision | Isis | kisser | knock | laugh at | laugh to scorn | lineaments | make fun of | make game of | make merry with | map | microfilm | mine | mug | mush | oven-bake | pan broiler | pan for gold | pan-broil | panisc | panisca | paniscus | parboil | phiz | photograph | photomap | Photostat | physiognomy | piepan | pillory | poach | point at | poke fun at | prepare | prepare food | Priapus | prospect | puss | put one on | quarry | radiograph | rag | rap | razz | reprehend | ride | ridicule | roast | roaster | roentgenograph | satyr | saucepan | saute | scallop | sear | shirr | shoot | silenus | simmer | skillet | slam | smile at | snap | snapshoot | snapshot | snicker at | snigger at | snipe at | spider | steam | stew | stewpan | stir-fry | sylvan deity | take a photograph | talbotype | the goat god | toast | vegetation spirit | Vidar | visage | Vitharr | wok | Xerox | X-ray

See Also | bain-marie | belittle | bonobo | chimp | chimpanzee | container | cooking utensil | cookware | dishpan | disparage | drip pan | dripping pan | family Pongidae | frying pan | frypan | go | Greek deity | locomote | mammal genus | move | omelet pan | omelette pan | Pan paniscus | Pan troglodytes | panhandle | pannikin | patty-pan | pick at | Pongidae | pygmy chimpanzee | roaster | saucepan | skillet | travel | warming pan | wash | wok

Pan- In Webster's Dictionary

\Pan-\, Panta- \Pan"ta-\, Panto- \Pan"to-\ [Gr. ?, m., ?,neut., gen. ?, all.] Combining forms signifying all, every; as, panorama, pantheism, pantagraph, pantograph. Pan- becomes pam- before b or p, as pamprodactylous.
\Pan\, n. [OE. See 2d {Pane}.] 1. A part; a portion. 2. (Fort.) The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle. 3. [Perh. a different word.] A leaf of gold or silver.
\Pan\, v. t. & i. [Cf. F. pan skirt, lappet, L. pannus a cloth, rag, W. panu to fur, to full.] To join or fit together; to unite. [Obs.] --Halliwell.
\Pan\, n. [Hind. p[=a]n, Skr. parna leaf.] The betel leaf; also, the masticatory made of the betel leaf, etc. See {?etel}.
\Pan\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] (Gr. Myth.) The god of shepherds, guardian of bees, and patron of fishing and hunting. He is usually represented as having the head and trunk of a man, with the legs, horns, and tail of a goat, and as playing on the shepherd's pipe, which he is said to have invented.
\Pan\, n. [OE. panne, AS. panne; cf. D. pan, G. pfanne, OHG. pfanna, Icel., Sw., LL., & Ir. panna, of uncertain origin; cf. L. patina, E. paten.] 1. A shallow, open dish or vessel, usually of metal, employed for many domestic uses, as for setting milk for cream, for frying or baking food, etc.; also employed for various uses in manufacturing. ``A bowl or a pan.'' --Chaucer. 2. (Manuf.) A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating. See {Vacuum pan}, under {Vacuum}. 3. The part of a flintlock which holds the priming. 4. The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the upper part of the head; the brainpan; the cranium. --Chaucer. 5. (C?rp.) A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge. 6. The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil. See {Hard pan}, under {Hard}. 7. A natural basin, containing salt or fresh water, or mud. {Flash in the pan}. See under {Flash}. {To savor of the pan}, to suggest the process of cooking or burning; in a theological sense, to be heretical. --Ridley. Southey.
\Pan\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Panned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Panning}.] (Mining) To separate, as gold, from dirt or sand, by washing in a kind of pan. [U. S.] We . . . witnessed the process of cleaning up and panning out, which is the last process of separating the pure gold from the fine dirt and black sand. --Gen. W. T. Sherman.
\Pan\, v. i. 1. (Mining) To yield gold in, or as in, the process of panning; -- usually with out; as, the gravel panned out richly. 2. To turn out (profitably or unprofitably); to result; to develop; as, the investigation, or the speculation, panned out poorly. [Slang, U. S.]

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